Chapter 2: First Day Jitters

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Words: 2538 O.O

The First Day:

I wake up sleepier than normal due to being nervous about school, I'm completely exhausted. 'If this year doesn't turn my life around enough to make it worth living, I'm ending it. I don't care if I have a soulmate, I'm done living like this.' I think as I get out of bed and turn off my alarm. 'Starting the day on a depressing note, good going (Y/n), good going.' I think as I laugh.

Luckily my parents went on a business trip last month and they won't be back for a week or so. That means I have free time after school. so I quickly get ready. As I'm eating some toast, I pull out my phone to message Kenma.

A/N: Just incase...when it says "From Me" it means from you....or Y/n...

Gamer Pudding


(It's been a month since we last had free time to message each other.)

From Gamer Pudding: Hi, are you? excited about school?

(I laugh at the monotone message.)

Yeah not really,
you guys aren't there 😭
Can we call before I leave for school? :From Me

I wait for a response as I finish the last bite of my toast. His response is video calling me on messenger. "HEYO!" I shout as I hold up the peace sign I see him smile. "H-" Kenma gets interrupted by a familiar voice. "(Y/N)-CHAN IS THAT YOU?!" Kuroo shouts as he pops into view and I wave at him with a bright smile. "YUP! It's been too long you two!" I say with a chuckle. "So what's up?' Kenma asks and Kuroo adds, "First-day jitters?"

I laugh and shrug. "Maybe, but I actually called because my parents aren't going to be back for another week or so, we can-" I get interrupted by Kuroo, "REALLY OH MY GOD WE GET TO HANG OUT!" I laugh as Kenma smiles. "That's great we can hang out soon," Kenma says with a fond smile on his face. Suddenly my reminder to start walking rings and I pout after stopping it.

"Sorry, guys I gotta head out so I get to school," I say with a sigh. I could tell they already left because the camera shakes every so often meaning they're moving. "You're walking to school early, is it for any particular reason?" Kenma asks, tilting his head. "Planning on joining a volleyball club!?" Kuroo asks with stars in his eyes.

"No Kuroo-Kun. Or at least I'm not planning on joining one." I say softly as I leave and lock the door. "I want to memorize the school with the least amount of people there possible," I say with a sad smile. "Of course." Kuroo says huffing, and Kenma laughs. "Well have a good day, talk after school?" He asks with a smile. "Definitely!" I say with a smile and end the call.

As I walk to school the sun is still pretty low in the sky, I decide to put my headphones and hood on. I hum to my music until a breeze catches my attention and I feel as if I'm in a movie. I breathe in the scent of the cherry blossom trees and sigh in content.

Suddenly a bunch of bad thoughts come flooding into my mind about how today will go. 'What if I fall for the womanizer Kuroo warned me about? What if I get bullied by his fangirls like Kuroo's fangirls? Well until Kuroo and Kenma both stopped them. What if I become friends with fake friends? What if I become a laughing stock and the target of all the bullies?'

I shake my head and puff my cheeks out in annoyance. "If Ya-Kun or Koshi wer here, they'd yell at me for thinking negatively. I can hear them yelling, positive thoughts!" I say and stop walking, bursting into a fit of laughter. I wipe the tears that formed in my eyes and focus on the view ahead of me.

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