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After the events four of us leave the events together, but I don't know what happened to p'bright, he never leave me, he actually put his hand on my shoulder and when p'nani wanted to be with me, he always had a reason to make p'nani away either he pull me beside him or he will interrupt p'Nani when he was talking to me..if I don't know p'bai I will think that he is jealous but knowing him, he's not, he just being protective to our career again. Sometimes I wanted to be mad at him, mad because he doesn't even know that his simple gesture can me fall deeper with him.. sometime I feel the we had the same feeling, that he love me more than just a bro, then after that he will be away with me, no calls, no text like nothing, and I mad because the way he act it's so different to what he say, like now, he acted possessive boyfriend he was just doing it because our career..

Baby bunny, p'nani called me, he half run going to me and p'bright, yeah Bright send me to my car,like what the hell right, he make my hope high, then what after day passed, he will crashed it again, as always.

What it is P' I asked P'nani..

Did I told you Nani, stop calling Win baby..he said with irritation in his voice, his eyes are so mad right now, what to this guy..

Don't worry Bright, there's no other people here, and they know that I call him BABY bunny.. P'nani like he measure how long p'bright patience is.

Tsss..just P'bai said..

So to stop the tention I interrupt there staring contest..

Why p'nani, I asked..why did you call me?

Ahmm, can I go with you, my manager need a car so I let him borrow it for a while.. he plead, yeah sometimes he acted like a baby, actually we are so much in common, that's why where too close.

Why did you go with your manager, I bet it's about your work, so it's okey if you with you him..p'bai said with irritation in his voice..

No.. it's not about work, something private..and don't worry Bright I'll go to Win not to you..he said and then smirk..

Nong is tired,he need to rest.. so if you want you can go with me, I will send you home.. p'bright said with finality in his voice.

No, p'bai it's fine with me if p'nani wanted to go with me, and you have scheduled for some work right? I said..

No..Win,Nani will go with me, just rest okey..he said without looking at me, he and P'Nani never looked down, they are like in staring game, but if the stare can kill, I know p'Nani will die first.. Bright eyes like is on fire right now..I don't know what happened to him, he looked mad and irritated..

No Bright, I will go to Win, you said he is just resting, he has no scheduled so it's most convenient if I'll go with him than you.. p'Nani said with the big smile on his face..

Yeah p'bai ,P' is we go first bro.. I said but Bright still stare at me like he don't believe to what I said.. he acting possessive again..Win don't hope, remember your place i said to myself...

Lets go my Baby Bunny, p'Nani said and he smile like he won in lottery.. and Bright stare like he wants p'Nani buried..

P'bai I said because P'nani is on the inside  but here I am in front of Bright because he blocking my way, he texting someone, I don't know who? Maybe one of his flirt..he such a flirt guy and that annoyed me so much..

What..he said with irritation in his I just look at him and said..

Your blocking my way P' how can I go? I said with the irritation in my voice I don't know, I just out my mood then here he is  smiling at me..what creepy smile..

Hmm..I will go with you too, he said reason for me to almost choke because I drink that time..

What? I said with disbelief in my face..You have something to do right, you had work and your gang had sleepover tonight right? I said..

Well, I received text, First said that our get together is cancelled and about work they move it tommorow.. he said while smiling..


No but Nhu ka.. I will go with you or you will go with me,and let your car to P'nani so he can go home.. oh.. that's a good idea, you will go with me is the best option right..let's go and he grab my wrist.. what's happened to him, before he so mad then now he is like a crazy man..what a bipolar..moody..

No p', just go with me...I said then he stare at me then smile..

Okey what the baby wants, baby get..he said..go..he said..then push me inside that car then sit beside me.. p'Nani sit beside the driver seat..

Ow..I thought your a busy person Bright, you had so many schedule today right? p'Nani asked when he saw Bright inside the Car..and sit beside me, he even put his arm in the top of car chair where my head lean on.

Well they cancelled last minute they said that they had important things to do, and my meeting are move tommorow so I am so much free today he said while smiling at P'Nani but not a kind of smile you want to see, he look P'Nani like he is the one who won and I don't know in what aspect, they are very competitive to each other, they always clash..I don't know why.. sometimes I asked P'Nani but he only thing he said is that he just wanted to help then smirk..I don't know..they both bipolar...

What a right timing, p'Nani Sadi and look at the front..

And p'bai is so relaxing he even put his head on my shoulder..

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