Twenty Two

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Still Win PoV.

P' what are doing here? I asked, Bentley and Cartier Run to me so I sit to lower then and kiss their forehead.

Can I not go here Bun? He ask and walk to me.

No, that not what I mean, I just suprise that you visit here. I said while rubbing Cartier Fur,while Bright sit in front of me, get Bentley and put in on his lap.

Well I just miss my Bunny so I came here and Davikah said that you go on a date with p'Min and her, I thought to took care of our babies ( he mean isa Bentley and Cartier) because I know your gonna late and I just wear your shirt because I don't have extra in my car, all of my shirt are used.

What? All of your shirt are used? P' Bai how manu times do I tell that after wearing them don't forget to get it and wash, you know it can smell to your car.
I said while massaging my forehead, my God how can he be do irresponsible when it comes to those stuff.

I know Bun, you know I forgot some stuff easily and you are the one who remind me that but now you are so busy with someone. He said while pouting, he act like a child again.

Right Bentley your Dada forget your Daddy, he is bad.. He said while hugging Bentley.

What the.. fine, I just took a shower, get your things in the car so I can wash them. I said and walk to the my room to get shower. I just wash them using automatic washer because I am too tired for today activity and I did'nt expect p'Bai to come here.

After a few minutes..

Bunny are you still in the shower? P'Bai called me.

Yes, did you get them, seperate the white and colored so I just wash them. I said.
But I heard a click from the door.. shock I forget to lock it.

P' Bai dont you dare, I shout but I saw him staring at me while his half of the body is outside, only the his head in the inside.

P' Bai my God stop staring, I am naked for God sake. I said I just face to the wall so he only see is my back. But he still there, acting like a lost puppy.

Bunny I want us to shower together, look oh, Im sweating na.

No.. I said but he still there.. can you stop looking, and if you want to wash your body, go to the guest room. I said but he just pouting my gosh.

But I wanted here please..and you know I am environmetalist so save water, save mother earth. He said

My God p' Bai stop, I'm done so just wait outside, I don't care to your save water ,save mother earth, I did not consume water too much so stop. But he still there watching me. And he smirk shiaa..I don't like that look.

P'Bai stop that look, you look perv. But he still there, not going anywhere so I feel that I am too red right now, I feel it to my body. I feel so embarrased. I know that it is not the first time, well we shower together before but I had a short before not totally naked like this. Shit I just roll my eyes reason for him to laugh.

P' Bai get out I said again.

Are you sure you don't want us to shower together, I will help you to scrub your back. He said and the smirk on his face did'nt erase.

Stop it will you, I shout then I grab the soap and stoned him. But he just avoided it.

Okey fine I'll stop, you look like a tomato hahahah, cute. He said reason for me to blush even more. blush hahah..he said while laughing so I just glared at him..

Okey okey I will stop the way your butt look squishy.. cute like the owner he said that why my eyes got bigger and I feel all of my blood are on face like now.

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