Moving day

109 10 38

Word count: 319

A/N: that picture is basically what Emery looks like also I'm tired even tho it's 11:50 here right now, I'm probably gonna go to sleep
My sleep schedule is wack

{Alex pov}

I sighed as I scrubbed the bathtub. I clean every week, how does it get this dirty? After five long minutes of aggressively scrubbing, the tub was clean. I tossed the gloves and put away my cleaning supplies as Kimberley called me downstairs. I grumbled, tying up my long hair into a man-bun as I walked into the kitchen where Emery and Richard were as well.

"What's the matter, ma'am?" I asked nervously, she never called us all in the kitchen like this.

"I've given it some thought, and, we're moving to England. We've already paid for your passports as well." She held out two navy blue booklets, which Emery and I cautiously grabbed. We thanked her and headed to our shared room, giving each other weird looks.

"England? Why England?" Emery said.

"I guess it's more normal than New York." I shrugged starting to pack my small amount of clothes and books into a suitcase. Emery did the same, rolling her eyes as I pulled three journals out of the bookcase. "What? I keep journals."

"Yeah, your diaries." She punched my arm playfully.

"Journals, Em. Not diaries."


{3rd person pov}

At the airport

Alex and 'Alexa' were in the snack shop to get some plane snacks with their allowance because they hadn't eaten much that morning. They got their snacks and drinks and walked off to sit down and wait for the plane to arrive.

2 hours later

"Alexa, Alexander! Get over here! We're boarding the plane!" Richard yelled. They scrambled out of their seats and grabbed their bags, running to the line.

•One uneventful plane ride later•

They got off the plane and headed to a rental car that was waiting for them. "Where are we going?" Emery and Alex asked.

"A nice, NORMAL neighborhood." Kimberly snapped at them.

As they turned on the street, they read the sign and it said:

Privet drive.

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