"Is there anything I or your father can do to make this feel less strange? We would want you to have a happy Christmas."

"I think it'll be okay. I just wanted to talk to someone about it, you know? I thought that if I told my dad he would probably blame himself for how things turned out. I don't want him to think I hate him." She frowned. She knows she had been cold towards him when they first saw each other again. It was hard then. She didn't want to return to those hard feelings, especially now that she knew how much it hurt him too.

"Your father knows you love him. I hope you know that he loves you too. You can always talk to him about anything, but if you feel like you can't, you can always come to me if that's what you'd like." Alice wrapped her arm around her shoulder and pulled her into her side for a hug.

"Thank you, Alice. You're the best." Jellybean hugged her tight. "No wonder my dad loves you."

Alice was touched by her kind words. "You're going to have a good Christmas. We're going to make damn sure you kids all do."

"Is Betty's sister coming too?" Jellybean asked curiously. They were aiming to have them all under one roof for the holiday.

Alice sighed. "I really don't know if Polly will be joining us. I tried working something out with the Shady Grove, but it didn't sound like it was in my favor."

Jellybean simply nodded. "Oh, I guess it'll be okay. She's getting help and that's okay. My dad said sometimes it takes sacrifices."

"I'm hoping to at least be able to make a visit and bring the twins over to see her."

"I think that'll be nice."

"I think so too." Alice agreed. "We should go check on your dad now."

"He's probably taking a nap," She chuckled.


It was going to be a full house on Christmas Eve. Alice and FP had invited Cheryl and Toni over to their house days ago. They would be bringing the twins and Nana Rose of course so that they wouldn't be spending it all alone at Thistlehouse. They had also invited their neighbors Archie and Mary. The invite spread over to Mary's girlfriend as well.

"Chuck is here!" Jughead announced when he was looking out the window. Charles was the first guest to arrive. "And he's got presents."

FP opened the door just as he got to it. "It's great to see you, son."

"Same goes here. Can I get a hand with these?"

"Sure thing," FP grabbed the top of the stack and carried it over to the tree.

"There's my baby boy," Alice kissed his cheek. "Honey, you're freezing. Here, let me take these." Alice took the remaining gifts from him. "Do you want some hot chocolate?"

Charles shook the snow off of himself before he entered. "Please?" He wandered over to the kitchen.

Right behind him in the distance was Cheryl pushing her grandmother and Toni walking hand in hand with the twins.

"Hello, hello." Cheryl said when they got to the door. "We have arrived."

"Welcome," Alice greeted them. She then looked at the twins jumbled up in their big, puffy jackets. She just wanted to attack their cheeks with kisses. "There's hot chocolate and cookies in the kitchen. Please feel free to get some."

"Cookies!" The twins ran over without a second thought.

"Charlie, honey, please help them get a cookie!"

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