Coming Out

35 3 4

Dillon's POV
1 year ago
"NO, I DONT ACCEPT THIS, EITHER CHANGE YOUR WAYS OUR LEAVE THIS HOUSE FAGGOT!!!" My dad said to me as he was punching the life out of me. I ran out of the house to my car so I can leave my horrible hellhole.

Okay so bet your wondering what's happening right now. Well let me explain myself. Hi, my name is Dillon Adams,I'm 15 yrs old, 6.00ft tall, oh wait there's something else to, I'm gay. Yeah that's right I said it.

I go to Townsend high school where I am mostly at, besides being called a fag and being shoved in my locker everyday.

8:30 am
I got up from bed all groggy and upset, I was in the middle of a very good ,realistic dream. I was in the school outside on the football field under the bleachers talking to a boy incredibly handsome. We were about to kiss right when I heard beeping coming through his mouth. So I got up from my twin bed, brushed my teeth put my uniform on-I know it sucks.

As I arrived in the parking lot, I heard the usual screaming of cheerleaders seeing a hot guy walk in side shirtless. Jeez they are such pigs

Long story short there is this really cute guy in my class and he is so cute and handsome as fugggg. Lucky to now he is gay to, so this will be easier than i thought.

The handsome Devils name is Zack, he is new and single. He wants to be my friend. I think I can make some arrangements for him.

Hey guys so sorry this chapter is short, I logged out and It didn't save my stuff even though I saved it. In the comments write what you guys think should happen next,
I won't post the next chapter until I get at least 5 or more votes on this. If you do I'll give you a chocolate. Until next time, BLU is out


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