Chapter 2

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Knock, knock, knock.

Ging was still in disbelief, why in the world did he go? He literally had no business here. He was almost 100 percent certain that this was just a part of that manipulative idiot's sadistic game. Still, he was not about to let him win. He will play along and get Pariston to crack. He will not win, not this time.

Pariston opened the door, pulling Ging out of his thoughts. The blonde seemed flashier than at the meeting. He changed from his usual striped suit to something that seemed more expensive. The double-star hunter was not exactly sure how Pariston got his acclaim, but it would not be a surprise if he participated in underground activities. Pariston's just that shady, befitting the title of "the rat".

"So good to see you could make it!" Pariston beamed. A strong smell of clove and blue sage wafted from inside Pariston's penthouse apartment. Of course this extravagant man had to even exude prominence from within his home as well. "Of course, I can tell you didn't take the time to wash up yet again. Thank the heavens I lit some candles."

Ging scoffed, "Is this how you usually treat guests?" This earned a chuckle from the rat.

"Only to my favorites," Pariston seemed to sparkle at that moment, which annoyed Ging. He shouldered past the blonde, basically inviting himself in. Pariston hummed at his companion's harsh impoliteness, shutting the door behind him.

Pariston's penthouse was rather impressive, which is no surprise, considering which part of the city he resided in. It seemed about as deceivingly elegant as he was, with its high ceilings and modern architecture. Its glossy walls bore a rich red colour, not too bright, but also not too dark. It seemed almost romantic, especially with the darkwood trimmings and comfortable, yellow lights, which appeared to have been dimmed for atmosphere. The large windows provided an extravagant view of the city, which proved to be most attractive in the dark. The furniture seemed to be made of wood that matched the trimmings, adorned with careful and intricate carvings, only upping the lusciousness of the apartment. It sickened Ging how wealthy the rat's home was, it showed he was hiding something. There was absolutely no sign of attachment, proving his point that he was truly putting up a facade.

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