Part 2

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Oikawa was worried and quickly shoved the petal into his bag before anyone saw it.

For the brief moment he saw it though it was beautiful and elegant a flower that a lot of people like but one that also says a lot about who someone is.

The rest of the way home all Oikawa could think about was that petal, he had searched up the type of flower and looked at a lot of the photos before. It reminded him of the time that him and Iwaizumi went to watch them bloom in a park.

As soon as Oikawa got home though he went straight to his room up to his laptop and pulled it onto his lap. He started to search up what it meant to cough up a flower petal and he found a lot of unanswered questions.

But he eventually found out that it is when you have a one sided love and the person who is in love with the other starts to cough up petals, blood, and eventually full flowers until they can no longer breath. You tend to cough more when around/or think about your love. This is due to the flowers growing in your lungs the flower is the same as your unreturned love. The only way to cure it is to either have your love returned or surgically remove them but that will make you lose all feelings you have for that person.

Oikawa was shocked by the information he found out, did he really fall for Iwaizumi so hard that he got a disease out of it. Oikawa just now had realized that he could hear the birds chirping out his window and he got a call from Iwaizumi which wasn't unusual for him to be up at sunrise.

"Hey Iwa-Chan, what do you need?" "You didn't sleep last night did you?" "Aw look who is worried about m-." Oikawa had started to cough and had to turn away from the video so Iwaizumi didn't see the little petal that appeared. "Dude are you okay? I always tell you that you can get sick from lack of sleep and now look what you did, I'm coming over later to take of you." Iwaizumi said as he hung up the phone without hearing back talk.

Sense Oikawa was expecting company he went into the shower to finally clean himself. As he was about to get out of the shower he heard his bedroom door open. "Iwa-Chan is that youuuu?" Oikawa started to burst out into more coughs and had coughed up another petal this time with a little part of it stained red, he clutched it thinking of Iwaizumi. "Yea it's me, almost done?" "Ye-ea-a." Oikawa struggled out as he kept dry coughing.

He quickly washed the rest of the soap off his body and got a towel wrapped around his waist. "Hey, finally princesses." He said sarcastically but he face harden when he saw Oikawa running over to the bed side table and chugging his whole water bottle. "Sor-ry. I was just ummm thirsty?" "Oikawa I really am worried about you, you never get this sick." Iwazumi said as he pushed him into bed and wrapped a blanket around him. "I'm gonna get you some more water, put some clothes on while I'm gone." Iwazumi stepped out the room and Oikawa started to admire the little petal that was still clutched in his fist.

"Hey I'm back, that's a nice flower you got there." Iwazumi said as he handed him his water. "Oh yea sorry I'll go grab some pants." Oikawa said as he got up put on a pair of boxers and sweatpants. He left his shirt off though sense it was way too much work to wear one. His hair was also a mess cause what's the point in making it look nice if you are home all day.

The two just sat there for the rest of the day watching The Office and making jokes with Oikawa breaking into coughing fits where he would always hide into his blanket when ever this happened to hide all the petals and blood. Eventually Iwaizumi let out a annoyed sigh after he checked his phone. "What's up?" Oikawa asked as he made the need to make his over and sit in front of Iwaizumi. "It's Emiko she is just driving me crazy, she always wants to go out and do stuff when I like just staying home. She is saying that we should go skating tonight but we already went out to dinner last night." Iwaizumi had now pulled Oikawa into his lap and was using him as some sort of teddy bear.

"Iwa-Chan just tell her that you don't want to go out." Oikawa snuggled up against his crush and childhood friend not even caring that his throat was burning. Soon he just fell asleep breathing in the nice scent of mint.

When he woke up he was on his bed and was hugging his body pillow. "Iw-wa." Oikawa tried to yell out but his throat was burning and felt soar. He soon started to cough and had two petals with drops of blood on them soon. He got a little bit of the blood on his chest not even noticing as he just threw the petals into his garbage.

He got out of bed and made his way downstairs where he found Iwaizumi making something on the stove. "Oh hey sorry I wanted you to sleep but I thought you could use some mo- OIKAWA WHAT DID YOU DO, WHY DO YOU HAVE BLOOD ON YOU?" He rushed over to him and wiped it up and checked his whole body for any cuts. "Oh it's not big deal." Oikawa shrugged it off and leaned against the raven. "Hey just cause you don't feel well doesn't mean I'm a leaning post." "But I'm so tired Iwa-Chan." Oikawa now started to cough again and only a little bit of blood came out but he got it on himself and a little bit on his friend.

" this b-blood coming from your coughing?"

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