The Marriage

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Khushi's Pov

Khushi means happiness but my life is an complete opposite of that.

My life is filled with sorrow,hatred and unhappiness.

Neither I'm a replacement nor do I have a stepmother that I have been reading in Wattpad.

But yes!I do have an cruel and evil stepfather,Vikram Singh.

My father left me and my sister Falak when I was just 10.

And one year later my mother Meera Singh decided to marry my stepfather Vikram Mishra.

And just to adjust in the high class society my stepfather changed his surname from Mishra to Singh.

"Kushi we are done",said Shyla my makeup artist breaking me from my chain of thoughts.

I looked myself in mirror and here I'm standing infront of the mirror wearing my bridal wear.

Today I'm getting marry to Armaan Kapoor,the most eligible bachelor of India.

I can still remember the day my father I mean my stepfather came home happily and said I'm getting married to Armaan Kapoor,the man of many girls dreams as like his name.

Flashback 2 weeks ago

In the afternoon I was sitting in the dinning room when my stepfather came home from office and said I'm getting married.

I was too shocked from this news but my mother was very happy.

I quikly shouted,NO I DON'T WANT TO MARRY.

And then I was rewarded from a slap that echoed in the whole room.

When I opened my eyes I saw it was my stepfather who gave me the reward.

You ungratefulchild,you are just a burden to us and nothing more.

You can never see us happy,thats why your coward father left you because he was too obessed from you guys,he growled.

Yes you are an ungrateful,now listen if you don't marry Armaan than I will tell everything to Falak.

Which you don't want to happen,so get ready,added my own mother.

And leaving me with no choice,I had to marry Armaan.

From past these years I had hidden the truth from Falak that why our father left us because I know she won't be able to face the truth.

Flashback Ends

"Khushi are you ready,said Tanya my stepsister but more like my own sister.

Before Vikram married my mother,he already had 3 children,Varun and two twin daughters Tanya and Shanaya.

Varun kept a normal distance from me but Shanaya is a pure evil like her father,she used to taunt me and Falak just like her father.

But Tanya is different from them.

Yes only her face matches Shanaya but she is an complete opposite of her sister.

Shanaya loves to party wherelse Tanya loves to study.

Shanaya loves to hang out wherelse Tanya loves to be alone.

Tanya always supports me and stand for me when I am in trouble.

If Tanya wasn't there then I don't know how I'm gonna survive alone.

Just because of her today I'm an successful doctor.

I worked day and night in the cafe for my fees and Tanya also helped me in my studies,fees and also taking care of Falak in my absence.

"Hello Khushi are you listening to me,Tanya said bringing me to present.

Yes Tanya,what were you saying?,I asked.

"Khushi are you happy about this marriage?,she asked.

Tanya,you know naah...I ..I ...know..tha..,I stummered.

"Khushi we still have time,you are an doctor and know you can also take care of Falak and also you are 26,which means you can claim the money of your father than why?,she asked me.

Tanya you know Maa(mother)how is she,she would tell the truth to Falak and Falak is too weak, she won't be able to bear the truth,I replied.

And I just can't claim the money of my father,because I'm too sacred that if I do than I don't know what will my mother think of me.

"Dii...dii(sister) we are gonna miss you,two sweet voice were heard.

And just expected it was my 8 years old little brother Ritik and sister Ritika.

Ritik and Ritika are my half brother and sister.

After my mother got married to Vikram,they had two twins.

Which were the only happiness in my life,I got after Vikram and my mother got married.

"I'm also gonna miss you guys,I said as I pulled them in a tight hug.

"Guys...I am also thereeee...,said Falak as she joined us.

"You know dii...I just wish that your dulha(groom) is not like our so called father,who just leave us for someother woman,Falak said as I can hear the hatred in her voice.

"No Falak..please don't say this,I said as I lift her chin up a bit.

"But Dii...and before she continue her voice was cut off by our mother.

"If your done than bring this burden down,its time,and saying this she left.

"Forget her Khushi,lets go,Tanya said encouraging me.

And what found downstairs is Shanaya.

"At last,the burden in our life is getting out,she taunt.

And what else I can expect from her,she was always like this.

"Shanaya please not today,Tanya said in my defence.

"Oh come on and I both know what is she,Shanaya said making a disgust face at me.

"Shanu please..don't start once again.

Its her wedding today,atleast you can keep your mouth shut,Tanya said giving her dead serious look.

Oh please...I'm just thinking about Armaan,I don't know how will he manage this bloody thing,she spit anger on me.

But the truth was she wanted to marry Armaan than she should be at my place.

Can't her parents give her this small happiness but then how can I forget that I'm rich than her.

So Armaan's father wanted me to marry Armaan for some billion dollar deal.

Why you always listen to her bitter words?

Why can't you reply her?,Tanya asked me.

Yes!then she will go to her father to complain and then he will reward me,I replied and she understood what reward meant.

So guys easy.
Many things are coming.
See you guys later.

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