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????'s PoV

I dust off the top of the desk. I would cough if I had inhaled the dust, but I'm wearing a mask kind of like a surgical mask. Why? Because of a large cut on my face that left a scar across my mouth, how? Joey, the king of corruption or some shit. I fuckin hate it and how it looks, but the King of the plains, that's right, the KING, gave me this face mask. This new king guy is much nicer than his father. His father wanted all of us scavengers dead, he called us worthless, thinking that would help with us not having money, but Jordan, the new king, he cares for some reason, he gives us shit to sell, whatever he finds and doesn't need, and he knows how much some People want his shit, and unlike his father, won't sell it himself. That fuckin king I wanna hate him, I wish I could hate him, but he's indirectly helping James and I keep Burren alive.

My friend Burren, he got attacked four months ago by the corrupted king, Joey, that mother fucker almost killed him, and now Burren is always sick. Food and basic medicine is all we can do for him. His legs are also hurt, we assume from a spell of some kind, but the cost of it to help his legs is over 500 diamonds. It sucks, he's constantly asking us to just let him die, it hurts man. Your best friend, not even in physical pain, but because he feels like a burden, is just asking you to leave him to die. He knows how expensive even basic medicine is for us, for people who look poor. I just want him to be okay, I want him to get better, or course I could ask Hank for help, but I don't want to make it seem like I don't have it under control. Fuck, I'm tearing up, I close my eyes tightly to not let one year drop.

Once I'm in the clear and won't cry, I search the desk I'm at more. I can hear James in the basement. James, the only person who keeps me from crying whenever Burren gets worse. I've known James ever since I was a kid, he's almost like my older brother at this point. He's got a kinder heart than me, whenever we find things that one of our friends might like, he just gives it to them, not asking for emeralds or money or anything at all. As much as it pisses me off, I can't stop him, the bright smiles we get from people, Niki's face whenever we can get her tarot cards, Gold whenever we can grab him a pack of crayons or a colouring book, even Dinkster when we can get him a spare piece of quartz.

Oh, right, I should talk about myself to some degree, the name is Pokay, or Poke, I'm a scavenger, my parents died while I was 12, leaving me alone, but a 16 year old named Michael took me in as he was all alone as well. Now we're both older, and I have to act older. There are a few things in life that make me happy, the fact that Tubbo, a kid who was almost dying on the street, but Jordan took him in. That was the moment I started to trust Jordan.

Now as a scavenger James and I go to abandoned places and yoink the shit that looks expensive, then we sell it, pretty chill and nice if you ask me. We sometimes have to run away from wolves and bears, that's when it's not nice or chill.

I trace my fingers along the side of the desk until there's an oddly shaped bump. Upon closer inspection I notice the bump is something I can easily grab. While it takes a few pulls to get the thing out of its right place. But it's a book, with a flame and a crown on it. "What the fuck?" I mutter, my voice being muffled by my mask. I open the book but it's written in another language, maybe James will know better then I do. I remove my mask for a second to call out to him. "James!"

"Yeah!?" He calls back to me, I can barely hear his voice.

"Get up here! I need your help with something!" I yelled before I put my mask back on.

After a couple of minutes of probably trying to find me he walks over to me and I hand him the book. He carefully looks at the pages. His red faded hoodie has dust all over it, there's even dirt all over his pants, but it's barely visible because his pants are black. He takes off his sunglasses for a minute, He wears them out of fear, he has this thing where his eyes are golden, meaning he can perform witchcraft like Hank or Yammy can, but he doesn't. Now the fear part to that, Mr. Joey, or the King of the corrupted land, He wants every wizard and witch to work for him, and James just can't do that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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