Part 34 ~Final~

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*A year later*

You and Colby moved into a house, Kat is pregant and her and Sam also moved into a house together. 

Tara and Jake got married and moved in together in a apartment, Xepher and Griffin started to date. 

Kate moved to LA and moved into an apartment with Corey. 

Brennen is still with his girlfriend and Mike has a girlfriend as well. 

Bella is a year old and you and Colby are happier than even 


A/n: I just wanted to say thank you for reading, it means alot. I'm working on another story so get ready for that. 

Sorry this story sucked and was long, this is my first ever story. Again thank you for reading it really means alot to me

p.s I made Shea as the bad person but she really isn't, if i put anyone as a bad person. I didn't mean too it's just a story and I love them all

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