Part 11

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*The next day* -Sunday-

You wake up and change (look at picture) 

You wake up and change (look at picture) 

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You post a new Youtube video and then go downstaris to get breakfast. You make yourself some food and then eat, after you were done eating you get your camera and start to vlog

Y/n: "Hi guys umm today I really don't have a video idea so i'm just going to vlog a day of my life, so first we're going to bug Jake"

You walk to Jake's room and see Jake editing one of his videos, he was destracted so you scared him. He yelled

Jake: "Shit! You fucking scared me"

Y/n: "Sorry"

you both start laughing

Y/n: "What are you doing?"

You point the camera to Jake

Jake: "I'm editing a video"

Y/n: "Oh, you wanna go to eat later?"

Jake: "Yea"

Y/n: "Ok i'm going to go scare Sam and Corey now so i'll see you later"

Jake: "Ok"

You walk out and go to Corey's room, you don't see no one there so you go to Sam's room. You hide behind his door because he was in the kitchen, but then you hear Sam walking back to the room. You jump out and scare Colby, Sam and Corey, Colby screams

Colby: "AHHH... Fuck!"

Corey: "BRoThEr!" he starts laughing

Sam: "Brother I didn't expect that!"

Y/n: "Sorry" you laugh, you point the camera at them

Y/n: "Guys say hi"

They all say hi into the camera and then after a bit of talking with Sam and Corey you went back to your room

Y/n: "Well guys i'm going to now call Aryia because we're going to make a song together, so be ready for that!"

You call Aryia and screen record, Aryia answers


Y/n: "Hey! how are you?"

Aryia: "I'm good, you?"

Y/n: "I'm fine, what are you doing?"

Aryia: "I'm talking to a pretty girl, you?"

You start giggling

Y/n: "I'm talking to a handsome guy"

You both laugh and keep talking, you turn off the screen recording and then you and Aryia work on the song. After awhile you and Aryia hang up, you start to record agian

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