Part 9

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You go inside and run to your room so nobody would see you crying, you change into some joggers and a hoddie and lay on your bed crying. Jake knocks on your door and then come in and sits next to you

Jake: "Are you okay?"

Y/n: "No my boyfriend hates... I can't live anymore"

Jake: "Don't say that because yes you can live, live for your parents, slibing, friends.. and for me because we all need you in our lives"

Y/n: "Thank you for always being here for me.. thank you for being my best friend"

Jake: "I'll always here for you.. so what happend, why are you crying?"

Y/n: "I hooked up with Mike but then the next day I felt so bad so I told Brennen and now he hates me"

Jake: "Brennen doesn't hate you he just needs time to think but I thought you and Mike were never going to happen agian"

Y/n: "We are never going to happen agian, last night was just a one time thing"

You look at your phone and see Mike texting you, Jake looks at your phone

Jake: "Does he think it's a one time thing?"

Y/n: "I don't know, but he wants to go eat later. And I don't want to go so i'm going to tell him no"

Jake: "Okay, do you want me to check on Brennen? Like text him to see if he alright"

Y/n: "Yea please if you can, and do you know were Kate is?"

Jake: "I thinks she's downstaris"

Y/n: "Ok thank you" You hug him

Jake: "No problem, i'll always be here for you"

He gets up and walks out, you go to the restroom to clean yourself up. And then head downstaris to see Kate and Corey making- out on the couch

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