El ran back into the room with the Polaroid camera that Y/N had asked for, handing it to Y/N. She stepped back, bringing the camera to squint through the lenses.

"Okay, now smile like your future is about to change. Because it is, but no pressure." She joked, shaking her head. "Or just say cheese, you know that works too."

Hopper chuckled, to which Y/N quickly snapped a photo of her father. The picture came out of the top of the camera, and Y/N took it out to wave it a little bit.

She smiled as she saw the image of her father standing with a nervous smile appeared in the photo, and knew she would show this photo to Joyce on their wedding day, should she say yes. 

"You're gonna do awesome dad," Y/N took notice of her dad's fidgeting, "Just stick to our plan, remember?" She held a hopeful gaze.

The plan had taken a day to figure out, one that Y/N helped her father with extensively. She had sat her father down, and together, they made the plan, as well as organized everything else to make sure that this night when perfectly.

Hopper and Joyce had been dating for a little over a year and a half now, and they were doing great. They're happy.

And just last week, Hopper had made a ring for Joyce, smelting the silver himself in the shed behind their cabin where he worked for days and nights on the ring.
And when it was finished, he asked Y/N what she thought, and of course, it was perfect.

Hopper asked Joyce on a date at Enzo's tonight, where they had their first date a year ago.

There, he planned planned on proposing to her.

And today is Valentine's Day, so that made it even better.

The tasks leading up to the proposal were all perfect. He could only hope that the actual proposal itself went the same way.

"Yeah, no, I remember!" Hopper nodded vigorously, adjusting his collar nervously. He paused, making Y/N eye him suspiciously.

"But uh..if you wanted to just remind me?"

"It's real simple, remember." Y/N chuckled, shaking her head as she placed an arm around her father's shoulders. "Dinner will go great, you'll pull out the ring, she'll say yes, then boom, happily ever after right?"

"All there is to it." Y/N smiled excitedly.

Hopper smiled unevenly, nodding as if her quick talk helped him ease his nerves, which they didn't much. He just wanted this night to go perfect.

With her telepathy, she immediately picked up on her dad's wavelengths on what he had thought, and shook her head. "And it will be perfect."

"Get out of my head." He chortled, shaking his head as Y/N felt she had succeeded in helping shake some of the nerves off her dad.

Then, the phone rang from its post in the living room of the cabin, prompting Y/N to trot over to answer the ringing yellow phone.
With El following close behind, Y/N picked up the phone from the wall, bringing it up to her ear to answer. "Hello?"

"Y/N? How's everything going over there, everything okay, everything's ready?"
Will asked in a hushed whisper, as if he didn't want anyone nearby to hear him. Which in this case, might have been Joyce.

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