Chapter 11. 1, 2, 3 pt 1

Start from the beginning

"I know you're wandering if this is the same wolf that atacked you. I don't think it is," She suddenly muttered, glancing around the thick trees around us.

I don't get it. Why would there be another wolf breaking into his territory? One had to be out of their mind to even think of invading Dalton's pack.

[And yet you snuck into his house] My wolf teasingly chastized. I gave a low gruff growl in response.

I didn't question where we were going as we silently meandered through the forest.

"Dalton should be meeting us here. He's brought you some clothes so you may shift," Kaz said, standing still. I flicked my ears, letting her know I heard her. I stopped, feeling a breeze waft against my shoulders. Hesitating, I stopped, lifted my head, and sniffed the air. It smelt the same, but felt different. 

Though Kaz and I had waited for merely a minute, I began to feel anxious. My tail sporradiclally twitched now and then, and my ears scurried in all different directions. As I heard the sound of a twig crunch I jumped up on all fours, growling at the intruder. 

Dalton's body held no intimidation as I stood growling at him, thinking he was someone or something else. I let out a sigh of relief, trying to calm my pounding heart down.  Lightly growling in annoyance, I sat back on my haunches, staring at him. 

His eyes traveled to mine, and I realized he hadn't ever seen my wolf. Feeling embarrassed, I looked at my paws as though they were super interesting. Feeling his eyes burn a hole through my pelt, a bag was tossed in front of me. I took it in my jaws, and went behind a tree to shift.


"So who do you think broke in?" I asked Dalton, coming to Kaz's side. Her blank eyes blinked.

"We don't know," Kaz replied for him as he shifted his attention to the trees. "They're quite smart and have a scent marker on them, like you did at Alpha's Dalton's get to together. However the snow here could show us if there are faint marks."

I nodded, my gaze switching to Dalton, who seemed to be looking off somewhere.

"Let's go to our border." Dalton said, taking off without a glance towards me or Kaz. Nodding, we followed behind him.

After  a few minutes of silence, Dalton broke it.

"Look," He tipped his head towards a tree. I looked up. It just seemed like a normal snow covered pine tree. As I stared at it harder, I realized there were merely just a few leant down branches that couldn't seem to handle their own weight. They seemed to be about 15 feet up on the tree.

"I see," Kaz replied. Feeling stupid, I waited for one of themt to explain.

Dalton rubbed a finger on the tree, and sniffed it. Within seconds he was growling.

"See those branches that are wilted?" Kaz asked me. I nodded. 

"Do you think someone was sitting up there?" I asked. The branches weren't as rough looking nor as "barky" as the others, and were pretty thick. Thick enough for someone to sit on...

"I do." She replied.

"Whoever it was, they've been coming to this spot for a while. A few days maybe," Dalton's deep voice appeared. Feeling anxious, a couple hairs pricked up on my neck. I stared at  a strange crater in the tree. Curious, I walked around the trunk to get a better view. While Dalton and Kaz continued to talk about who broke in, I sheathed my claws, a specialty I'd learned while staying human. Grasping a small branch, I pulled myself up.

"What are you doing?" Dalton called from at least 7 feet below.

"There's got to be something up here!" I shouted back, my hand reaching another branch while resting my right foot on another that seemed to wobble.

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