Unfinished Murder Mystery Dinner Party

Start from the beginning

Ducy was not expected, but Ducy says it's ok and decides to make Dashlie scoot over and make room.
Guests introduce themselves. Richard recites "Alone" by Edgar Allen Poe

-Davis "dies". Jon and Don announce there is a murder at the same time but Jon yells at Don. Dawn is ordered to take notes. Nick gets blamed for the murder, but then it shifts to Jon since he has actual motive. But although he hated Davis, he would never kill. Richard retells the tail of Hop-Frog by Edgar Allen Poe. Jon accuses Dick of thinking he killed Davis just because he's a jester. Jon defends he'd never kill anyone in front of all these people. Their arguing gets interrupted by LinDsey, still having a coughing fit. She does not want to hang around anymore and takes off down the hallway. Her coughing stops, Uni points this out and assumes she got better, but the coughing resumes. Then it abruptly stops as LinDsey dies

-LinDsey dies. She always did have an ugly dress, Dashlie points out. Nick says no one leaves the house until the killer is caught. Everyone disagrees, saying they will be trapped in a house with a killer. But Nick rationalizes that if the killer is not caught, then they will be unleashing a murderer out onto the streets. Every passing second tonight is another chance for the murderer to kill another innocent person. They will stow the bodies away in the body-storing room and then see the notes Dawn collected. Dashlie questions why he has a body-storing room, but Nick makes her feel inferior by questioning "You don't?" and Ashlie backing him up by saying "Mine's in my attic"

-Return to dinning room as they struggle to figure out what could've killed LinDsey. Sir Ashlyn points out that the "flowers" Nick had set up on the table were actually Hemlock. Nick says that Jon was the one who set the table and decorated it. Jon says, again, if he ever wanted to kill anyone, it wouldn't be in front of all these people because of potential witnesses. He even takes out a journal apparently filled with ways he would kill all his friends. "As one does" Ashlie concernedly says. They see who was seated next to Davis and LinDsey at the time
Uni, DDawn
Lindsey, Dashlie, Ducy
And question them there and then
They all testify they aren't guilty. People accuse Nick, who defends himself, and Jon asks for Dawn's notes, who has written down info that was brought up in the introductions. They question how he got the pictures and red string and had time to set it all up so quickly, but they don't go any further as Dawn gives information on who the killer could be, saying the most likely to kill them would be Uni. Duni defends him.
There is not enough evidence yet. Dashlie says they are just supposed to sit around and wait? That's dumb. Don snidely remarks if she wants to split up and look for clues, and Jon points out that that is smart

Nick lays out his blueprint of the house. He just.... really had that on him, huh?
Clue teams:
Uni, Duni, Dawn: back half of Bottom Floor
Nick, Dashlie, Jon: front half of Second Floor
Dick, Don, Ducy: front half of Bottom Floor
Ashlie, Wiliker: Top Floor (attic technically, but it's furnished)
Lindsey, DDawn: back half of second floor
When everyone understands where they're going and what the place is like, Dawn offers to take the blueprints, and Nick is swayed by Dawn's polite voice that he doesn't even hesitate

-As the teams split up, Duni helps Nick with Davis and LinDsey's bodies. they will join their teams later as their teammates tell them where they're going

-Uni and Dawn. Venturing down the hallway to the other set of stairs and theorizing who the killer could be. Dawn has no opinion. They find a clue that unknowingly links Duni to the crimes

-Dick, Don, Ducy. Scoping out hallway LinDsey died in. Ducy finds a decent clue relating to Dashlie between the arguing occurring with Dick and Don, caused by Ducy lamenting over the murder, Don awkwardly conversing with her, and Dick being silent and creepy. Don gets mad with Dick cus he isn't responding to Don's words the way he wants him to. He's also being very suspicious. Dick could also recite a short poem in between the arguing. Don also gets mad and storms off so he can actually be a suspect for Wiliker's death

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