A Heart Breaks for Another Heart to Live

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Is this even real? Is this a dream?

Is he just mistakenly seeing someone else as him since he was drunk?

Is he imagining things? Is this his hallucination?

"Hey! Look at me!" Suddenly, the waiter boy turned his head back to the person with the alcohol stained jacket as the latter snapped his fingers ridiculously in front of his face, blocking their eye contact. And Jimmy, the dark brown-haired tall dazzling man snapped out of his zoning out session.

"Do you even know how much this cost? Two thousand dollars! You can't just say sorry and head out. How will you pay it back huh? How?!" As he yells at his face aggressively and pridefully, his hand pushed hard on the narrow shoulder, causing the small body to lose balance. But Jimmy immediately wrapped his arm around his shoulder firmly before he could fall on the floor and made him stand straight.

Jimmy wants to fucking throw the suitcase at that asshole's face at the moment but he didn't want to gain more attention as he already had enough of it by his stunning figures and by that stupid overacting yell of the moron in front of him of course. He likes gaining attention but it's an exception for the police so he tried to suppress his anger and let the person in his arm stand behind him. 

"Two thousand dollars right?" He said and took out a booklet from his side pocket. He then tore a piece of paper and put it on the table with a loud thud.

"That should be enough." He tried to lower his voice the best he can.

The guy looked down at the torn paper and his eyes went wide to maximum in fright. He looked at both of them alternately and stepped back a bit. And then he just bowed before quickly shoving away, signaling his other mates to follow him. Apparently, he might be one of the people working under his father's or his hand, as he seemed to recognize who he was after seeing the check he gave. 

After they've gone out, he kind of realized that all the eyes were directed on him now. He turned around just to find the shorter one staring at him. 

He could not read what was written on his expression. It was mixed. Sorrow? Loneliness? Happiness?...

"You're..." He spoke but the words came out only as a whisper between them.

While he was still in a daze, the person before him looked around the room and looked at him back before he took hold of his hand and briskly walked to the back of the noisy place, leading them to the outside of the club, which startled Jimmy. But he just let him do whatever he wanted.

His companion who was with him a while ago was just left there stunned and gaping like a fool. He's never seen Jimmy helping someone or letting someone just drag him anywhere without his permission. He doesn't like people touching him especially strangers. 

But apparently, he seems to know this guy. But why doesn't he know him? He's been always beside him 24/7 so whoever the hell he meets new or even his old friends, he knows everyone who Jimmy knows. 

He knew everything about him but who is this guy who could make him zone out? 

Who is this guy who could make him give a hundred thousand dollar check without even thinking what he was doing?

Who was he?

He took a step forward to follow where they went out but halted his another step. Jimmy always called him wherever he goes but this time, he doesn't even seem to be remembering that he was still there. Maybe he's someone who he was much fond of more than him. Much closer than him.

And that hurts.

He headed back to the car with several thoughts running on his mind like a busy train station.

"He'll come out sooner or later." He said to the men guarding the entry.

As he sat on the driver seat and looked at the place through the window of the car, a name popped up in the back of his mind, which lowkey broke his heart.

Is that him?... Is that...

*door opens*

Jimmy already came back while he was debating with himself in his mind. He said nothing but started the engine and drove off, as the car behind theirs followed them. The rain has paced down. The streets were wet and slippery so he drove slowly with care. Some indie music filled the silence in the car. And it was him who spoke first.



"Who was he?" He asked with some hesitation, secretly hoping that it isn't the one who he was thinking.

Jimmy didn't answer for a long time. Each and every second, he became to realize that it's actually-

"It's Tommy..."


"I'm sorry..."

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