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I snap my fingers and Sophie, Agatha, Tedros, Hort and the Coven appear.

Everyone but me groans

Sophie: Not again!! All this teleportation is making me stressed and stress means wrinkles!!

Tedros: Agatha, get  behind me...

Agatha: What? No! We've been here before but every time we arrive you get all anxious and edgy!

Tedros glares at Agatha 

Me: OK, hi everyone! Today I'm gonna ship you all with other characters from SGE and you are all going to tell me if you ship it or not.

Hort: What's a ship?

Hester: And what's SGE??

Me: Umm, well a ship is a romantic pairing between two people it's often a match  that is supported by fans rather than in the series itself.

Tedros: Did you just read that off the Internet?

Me: What?! No! Everything I do is entirely original!

Tedros looks at me suspiciously

Me: Anyway... SGE stands for school for good and evil and hopefully you all know what that is.

Me: So, time for our first ship!!

Dot: wait.. what's a ship?

Me: Seriously Dot?

Dot: What?

I facepalm 

Me: Go ask Hort!

Dot: Ok! You don't need to be so mean about it!

Anadil and Hester sigh dejectedly 

Me: Let's get on with the shipping!

I snap my fingers again and a piece of black paper drifts down to me. I read the silver calligraphy, which spells...

Me: Rophie!


Tedros: You can't do that!

Sophie: Umm, guys.. have you not noticed that Rafal is dead?

Me: I love this ship!!!

Anadil: Uhh, guys?

Everyone turns to face her

Anadil: Why is there a grave next to me?

Agatha gulps with realisation and immediately tries to hide the grave from Sophie

Sophie: Aggie! I can't see!

Hort: Don't worry Sophie its just a grave an-

A hand bursts out of the grave and Hort screams

Me: Yayy!

Tedros: You're  a psychopath!

Me: But a psychopath with good taste.

Rafal has now fully emerged from the grave, and he scans his surroundings carefully before his eyes fix on Sophie

Sophie screams

Sophie: Rafal!

Agatha: Wait I thought you didn't love him anymore Sophie!

Sophie ignores Agatha and sprints toward Rafal while he looks smugly at Agatha, who's standing with her jaw dropped as the two embrace.

Me: OK, so we need to make this ship better..

Rafal: Who are you?

Sophie: she's basically this crazy person who runs around shipping people and teleporting them against their will.

Rafal: She can teleport?

Sophie: Yep, and she brought you back from the dead.

Me: And now I'm going to release you two to the real world for a date!

Hester: What real world?

Me: The world where I  come from where your world is in a book series written by an amazing guy called Soman Chainani.

Rafal points his black finger glow at me

Rafal: Tell me where to find this man.

Me: Rafal I thought you'd know better! No violence in here!

Rafal's glow fades and he looks at me in awe

Rafal: How did you do that!

Me: No time for questions!

I snap my fingers a third time and Sophie and Rafal dissappear

Hort: Where'd they go?

Me: For their date of course!

A few hours later

Agatha: when do we get to go!?

Me: After they come back!

Tedros: But that could take forever! Me and Agatha have a kingdom to run!

Me: you won't be here much longer!

Rafal and Sophie arrive, Sophie's cheeks are flushed and Rafal looks exhausted 

Rafal: She dragged me to every shopping center in the city!

Sophie: I want to go back!!!

Me: Sorry but your time is up!

I snap my fingers a final time and everyone disappears.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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