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"Harry, wake up! We have to drive to Pansy, Draco. And Blaise." Hermione yelled as she pulled the covers off him.

"Alright alright, I'm up!" Harry said slightly annoyed and extremely tired.

He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then changed into a hoodie, and sweats. He went back out to pack snow-pants, gloves, and an extra shirt into his bag.

They all got into Ron's car and then started driving to Draco's house.

"Alright, so Malfoy said that all of them spent the night at his house and they have all the sleds and snacks. They also booked all of us a hotel so we can spend the night at." Hermione said as the two other boys in the car nodded.

When they got to Draco's driveway Ron honked the car to signal them to come out.

The next thing Harry was was all three of them running towards the car, with snow on their hair, and their faces starting to go pink.

Draco ran first to the car and tried to unlock the door.

"Open the door, dipshits!" Draco yelled as Ron rushed to unlock the doors with a button.

Hermione was sitting at the front and Pansy had to squish with because there was no room in the back where Harry, Draco and Blaise were at.

Harry was being squished against the car door while he was staring at the blonde squirming around next to him.

"How are you?" Harry asked.

"Cold, I suppose." Draco said as he threw his bag in smaller space behind them.

"God, it's so cramped in here. Draco, just go sit in the back with Harry or something." Blaise complained as Harry took a peek to see just about how much room was there.

"I agree, it is quite cramped here." Harry said as he stepped over the seat; tugging Draco's sleeve to pull him over.

When the two got in the back area they heard Blaise take up the entire seat they were just in and relax.

They shifted over to the farthest end away so that no one else could hear if they would talk or do something else.
Through out the entire drive the friends were blasting and singing to the music that was playing on the radio and laughing to it.

"Yo Pansy! Would you rather have a child right now, or never?" Blaise asked with a smirk.

Pansy actually thought about this question and turned her attention to Hermione to see what she would say but the girl just shrugged.

"Uh, never?" Pansy said.

"Who the fuck would want to have a child with Pansy?!" Draco joked as the others laughed and Pansy stuck her tongue out.

"What about you Potter, would you rather lose all your teeth, or never be shagged?" Pansy asked.

"Uh give up my teeth?" Harry said while raising an eyebrow.

"It's not like Harry's getting any." Ron said joked.

"How do you know that?" Draco said cockily as he raised an eyebrow and smirked while Harry could feel his face turn pink.

As all of their other friends were joking around, Harry felt a hand on his crotch and his breath immediately hitched.

"M-Malfoy." Harry whispered/hissed.

It didn't help when Draco's smirk grew wider and he started rubbing Harry in circles through his pants. He felt his pants start to tighten and his face began to sweat.

Draco watched in amusement as Harry threw his head back and let out a shuddering gasp. Harry bit his bottom lip as his breaths started to become so loud.

The two were so distracted from eachother that they didn't even realize how the group suddenly went silent and Draco immediately yanked his hand away.

"Gosh, can't you guys wank eachother off later when we're not around?!" Pansy yelled and was followed by a soft slap by Hermione on her shoulder.

Draco chuckled as he decided to sit in the position they were when they sat beside his bike at the cliff; his back against Harry's chest. When the group started talking again Draco shuffled as he accidentally pushed against Harry's crotch and the boy gasped.

"My oh my, what have we got here." Draco whispered as he started to purposely shift against Harry.

"Malfoy, stop it!" Harry hissed.

"Make me." Draco said with a smirk as Harry smashed their lips together. Harry opened his mouth which allowed Draco's tongue to access deeper in his which was when he accidentally let out a muffled moan.

The two immediately ripped away when they heard Blaise cough sarcastically.


"Right Person, Wrong Time" (A Drarry Muggle Story)Where stories live. Discover now