Chapter 25:Danielle's birth part II

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later on the New Year's day or for Ellie her first full day as being a mother as she looked at Danielle sleeping as Ellie smiled as the nurse walked in Ellie's hospital room as the nurse checked on both Ellie and Danielle as the nurse quietly walked to Ellie.

"how's your newborn baby?" the nurse asked her.

"great, and right now she is sleeping." Ellie answered.

the nurse sees Danielle sleeping as Ellie again smiled.

"why you name her Danielle?" the nurse wondered.

"is a name that I always wanted for a girl, and her middle name Penny is from the big bang theory show and had a dream that Danielle looked like Penny." Ellie said.

as the nurse checking vital signs on Ellie, there is a knock on the hospital room door as Ellie sees Ziva.

"hi Ellie." Ziva said.

"hi Ziva." Ellie also said.

"I'm not interrupted anything?" Ziva asked her.

"no, the nurse is just finished my checked up and you can sit down if you like?" Ellie offers Ziva as Ziva sits on the chair.

"your vital signs are good and you want your baby in your arms?" the nurse asked her.

"yes." Ellie reply.

the nurse picked up Danielle as Danielle wakes up and cries

"is ok babygirl." Ellie said as the nurse hands Danielle to Ellie.

"thanks." Ellie said as Danielle fussed.

"is that my new niece?" Ziva asked her.

"yeah and Ziva, I can officially you to meet your niece Danielle Penny Todd." Ellie said to Ziva.

Ellie hands Danielle to Ziva as Danielle looked at her.

"hi Danielle, I'm your Aunt Ziva." Ziva said to Danielle.

Danielle smiled at Ziva as Danielle grabbed Ziva's finger as Ziva smiled and cries.

"Ziva, what's wrong?" Ellie asked her.

"Danielle knows who I am." Ziva said with a small crack in her voice.

"she is saying hi to you." Ellie told her.

"I know, and me and her are going to have a special bond." Ziva said.

Danielle smiled at Ziva as Ziva smiled back.

"why you get to know your niece while I walked around the hallway for a bit?" Ellie suggested it to Ziva as Ellie gets up from the hospital bed.

"long night?" Ziva asked.

"yeah, but it was worth it and as you already know by now that Danielle is the first baby to be born at the stroke of midnight and the first minute of 2021." Ellie answered.

Danielle cooed as Ziva looked at her.

"what Danielle?" Ziva asked playfully.

"oh if you have a chance, Danielle gets cranky if she hears Sheldon Cooper voice on the big bang theory show." Ellie said.

"why you say that?" Ziva wondered as she thinks and now knows the answer.

"oh ok, got it she looks like Penny from the show." Ziva said and now remember.

Ellie leaves the hospital room as Ziva kissed Danielle as Danielle Danielle smiled and yawned a little also.

"let me guess, you have a long night too?' Ziva asked the newborn baby as Danielle yawned again.

Ziva smiled as Rose walked in Ellie's hospital room as Ziva sees her.

"hi, and happy new year." Rose said to Ziva.

"and happy new year to you too Rose." Ziva also said.

"where's Ellie?" Rose asked.

"she is taking a walk down the hallway in the hospital." Ziva told her.

"oh, to strech her legs." Rose said.

"yeah, and where is everyone?" Ziva wondered.

"they are in the waiting room and they waiting to see Danielle." Rose reply.

Ellie returns from her walk around the hallway as she sees Ziva talking to Rose as she smiled at Rose.

"hi Mom." Ellie said to Rose.

"hi Ellie and how you feeling today?" Rose asked her.

"fine and I supposed that Ziva told you that I was walking around the hallway?" Ellie wondered.

"she did and the rest of the family are in the waiting room and waiting to see Danielle today." Rose reply.

"the hospital room is big and I was wondering that the rest of the family can see Danielle in here?" Ellie asked.

"I can't see why not." Rose said.

Rose walked out of Ellie's hospital room as Ziva hands Danielle to her as Ellie sees Danielle is sleeping.

"how long did Danielle went to sleep?" Ellie asked her.

"not to long ago and before she had her nap, she did yawned a couple of times." Ziva reply.

Ellie looked down at Danielle Ellie kissed Danielle's cheek.

"Mommy loves you so much Danielle." Ellie said.

Donna knocked on the door as Ellie looked up to see Donna as Donna walked towards to the hospital bed.

"happy new year and is this my new cousin?" Donna asked her.

"yes, and as you probably know by now that her name is Danielle Penny Todd?" Ellie asked Donna.

"yes, and Aunt Rose told me early this morning." Donna answered.

"Danielle already found her favorite Aunt." Ellie said.

"who?' Donna wondered.

"Ziva." Ellie told her.

"really?" Donna asked as Ziva nodded her head yes.

"oh by the way, have you seen Amy around lately?" Ellie wondered.

"the last I saw Amy, is she was talking to Michelle and Jenny." Donna answered.

"want to hold Danielle?" Ellie asked her as Ellie hands Danielle to Donna as Danielle yawned.

"she is cute." Donna said.

"yes and she loves being in my arms." Ellie also said.

Danielle wakes up as she sees Donna for the first time as she cooed.

"hi Danielle." Donna said.

Donna gives Danielle back to Ellie as smiled at her baby as Danielle smiled at her and touched Ellie's finger.

"did you had a nice nap babygirl?" Ellie asked her as Danielle fussed as is her way of telling her that she needs her formula.

"you want your bottle babygirl?" Ellie wondered as Danielle fussed still.

Ellie grabbed the bottle with Danielle's formula as Danielle fussed a little as Ellie feeds her as Danielle stopped fussing.

"she always knows is her feeding time?" Donna asked.

"she does and as you just heard her fussing, that's her way to telling me that she wants her formula." Ellie reply.

"she does?" Donna wondered.

"in a way, yes." Ellie reply.

"that's good to know from her." Donna said.

"yep." Ellie agreed.

Chapter 26 soon.

Ellie's pregnancyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora