Chapter 23:Ellie and Amy's Christmas gifts

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Ellie is in bed because of her bedrest orders from Rose as Elliesighed a little as she feels Danielle kickedher pregnant stomach as Ellie looked down at her pregnant stomach and put her hand on her stomach as Danielle kicked again as Amy walkd in the bedroom and kissed Ellie's cheek.

"you all right?" Amy asked her.

"I'm all right sunshine." Ellie told her.

"and how's Danielle?" Amy wondered.

"she is kicking as usual." Ellie reply.

"in two weeks, Danielle will be in your arms." Amy points out.

"I know and Danielle will be our new year's baby." Ellie said.

Amy kissed Ellie as Ellie smiled at her.

"I love you." Ellie said to Amy.

"I love you too Ellie." Amy also said.

Amy put her hand on Ellie's pregnant stomach as she feels Danielle kicked.

"she will be a awesome daughter for us." Amy said.

"yes she is." Ellie agreed.

"oh, I brought an early Christmas gift for you." Amy told her.

"when did you do that?" Ellie wondered.

"last week and I thought that we can open our gift early, since Christmas is next week." Amy said.

"wait, Christmas is next week?" Ellie asked.

"yes." Amy reply.

"wow, this year is really going fast." Ellie said.

"yes it is." Amy also said.

Amy hands Ellie her Christmas gift as Ellie looked at it.

"thanks sunshine." Ellie said.

"your welcome." Amy also said.

Ellie open her early Christmas gift as she sees a small box and she open that small box and inside is a charm bracelet as Ellie almost gets choked up.

"it's beautiful." Ellie said.

"it has Danielle's initials." Amy told her.

"sunshine I love it." Ellie said.

"and I got Danielle a little teddy bear for her crib." Amy also said.

Ellie giggled as she feels Danielle kicked as she knows what Danielle is kicking.

"I guessed that Danielle loves her first Christmas gift." Ellie said.

Amy smiled as she kissed Ellie.

"I love you." Amy said.

"I love you too sunshine." Ellie also said.

"and here is my Christmas gift for you Amy." Ellie told her.

Ellie hands Amy's Christmas gift to her as Amy open the gift to see a black and white photo of her and Ellie's wedding as Amy smiled.

"is that from after our wedding?" Amy wondered.

"it is, and you remember this tree where we had our first kiss as newlyweds?' Ellie asked as Amy takes a second look at the picture as Amy immediately knew that it is the same tree.

"I love this picture of us and I remember that it was sunny when this photo was taken." Amy said.

"and humid." Ellie reminded her.

"yeah, but was not that humid." Amy said.

"it was in the mid 80's if I'm not mistaken." Ellie remember.

"it was 84 and it was a light wind." Amy said.

"and you remember our wedding song?" Ellie asked her.

"our wedding song it is summer wind by Frank Sinatra." Amy reply.

"that's right." Ellie said.

"and I picked that song, because Dad loves hearing Frank Sinatra and his songs." Amy told her.

"oh, I see a Christmas gift for Danielle." Ellie said.

"yeah, is a little teddy bear that I talked about and a Bugs Bunny stuff animal." Amy told her.

"we are going to be great mothers to our babygirl." Ellie said.

Amy smiled as she kissed Ellie's hand as Ellie smiled at her.

"we are already great mothers to her." Amy said.

Ellie smiled at what Amy had just said as Amy and Ellie shared a kiss to each other.

"I love you Amy." Ellie said to her wife.

"I love you too Ellie." Amy also said.

Chapter 24 soon.

Ellie's pregnancyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin