Burn Notice

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A/N: Love this show. I have a little stuffed elephant named after Sam Axe. I call him Sammy.

"Once somebody sends a guy with a gun after you, things are only going to get worse." (Michael Westen)

"Guns make you stupid. Better to fight your wars with duct tape. Duct tape makes you smart." (Michael Westen)

"For a job like getting rid of the drug dealer next door, I'll take a hardware store over a gun any day." (Michael Westen)

"Shall we shoot them?" (Fiona Glenanne)

"Mike, try and stay in my line of sight, will you? Every time we do this, you act like I can shoot around corners." (Sam Axe)

"Like jazz, only with a sniper and five gallons of napalm." (Michael Westen)

"I cut out the middle man."
"The hell's that supposed to mean?"
"I cut his throat." (Michael Westen, Pete Jackman, Michael Westen)

"This is just so we can have a private conversation. I call this the ring of trust. And you can trust that you won't leave this ring without us having a deal." (Michael Westen)

"My name is Michael Westen. I used to be a spy." (Michael Westen)

"You know spies. Bunch of bitchy little girls." (Sam Axe)

"Is that your mom again?" (Sam Axe)

"I will rain hell down upon you until one of us is dead, and I am really, really good at raining down hell." (Michael Westen)

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is-" *car #1 explodes* "-and I'm from the department of-" *car #2 explodes* (Michael Westen)

"I'm Michael Westen, I'm here to save you people."
*shots fired* "Who are you?!"
"I'm Michael Westen, I'm here to save these people!" (Michael Westen, random bad guy, Michael Westen)

"Michael Westen. Yeah, that Michael Westen. You probably don't want to be seen with me." (Michael Westen)

"It's better to have Michael Westen than a two-by-four." (Madeline Westen)

"When I open my mouth, I'm right." (Michael Westen)

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