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-hey guys this is an Idea I had and I wanted to share it with you all, hopefully you'll like it, if not then don't worry :-) -

Maggie stared at herself in the mirror, her curly brown hair resting against her shoulders, her brown eyes piercing into their own reflection and her pink painted nails hitting the hard wood of the vanity.

She shifted her stare around the room of her small apartment she was renting atop 'Diane's Diner' where she was currently working and sighed.

"MAGGIE!" She heard a yell come from the diner downstairs, most likely from her roommate/boss Diane.

She quickly jumped up, flattening her light pink and white vertical striped dress and grabbing her white apron from the back if the chair, throwing it over her head and tying it around her waist.

Maggie rapidly ran down the stairs and flung open the swinging door into the kitchen of the diner.

She saw Diane leaning against the counter next to the cash register, reading what looked to be a news paper and walked over to her.

"You called?" She asked walking up to her.

"Man, I hope they find her soon!" Muttered Diane pointing to to the news paper she was reading.

The title read:
Taylor Swift Still Missing!

"Yeah, I do too," sighed Maggie, making Diane jump only now realizing her presence.

"Oh, Maggie you startled me! Good you heard me, I need you to take peoples orders, It's starting to get busy," smiled Diane.

And Diane was right it was starting to get busy, the place was quite popular.

Maggie's POV:

I grabbed a pen and pad paper and walked over to the first table.

"Yes, um can we please have the grilled cheese sandwich and a blueberry muffin?" Asked the young girl.

"Sure thing, any drinks?" I asked writing down the food they had asked for.

"Um, can we please just get some waters?" She asked me.

I smiled and nodded, "thank you, they'll be out in a minute."

I then walked and handed the paper to the chef and then continued the same routine a numerous amount if times before I was asked by Diane to work the counter.

I pulled my phone out of my apron and placed it on the counter next to me before starting work up again.

After a while my phone started ringing.

My best friends face popped up. He tries calling me every day but I never answer.

I looked at His name plastered along the screen and sighed. I felt sorry for him, he hadn't heard from me in a while, but then again no one had.

I quickly called over Diane.

"Can you please give me five minutes, I need to call someone back," I smiled.

Diane laughed.

"Of course Maggie. What kind of boss do you think I am? I may have only met you two and a half weeks ago but your the closest thing I have to a best friend. Take as long as you need," smiled Diane.

I thanked her before running towards the back of the kitchen passing all the staff, giving them a smile. I finally made it to the staff bathroom, pushing open the door and walking inside.

I clicked on his name and pulled my phone up to my ear.

Pick up. Come on. please pick up.

It rang a final time before switching to answer phone, I decided to leave a message.

"I'm okay," I whispered into the phone before hanging up.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything else. Or I knew I would end up revealing my secrets.

I sighed. It had been a few days since I'd thought about my life before the diner. Before I had started working and living here.

I took a deep breath before continuing my work for the day.

As five o'clock rolled around and my shift came to a close. I couldn't help but think about the mess I had got myself into.

I quickly ran upstairs, I only had two hours before Diane would come up too and I had a lot to do.

I walked inside the small two bedroom apartment and into my onsite. I sighed staring into the mirror, before removing my coloured contacts, revealing my blue eyes. I unclipped the hair clips watching them fall around the sink and pulled my wig from my head, revealing my curly blonde hair in it's messy bun. I tugged at the hair-tie freeing my hair so it rested against my shoulders. I stared at myself in the mirror. The real me. Taylor Swift.

-that was chapter one of searching for Maggie, I hope you liked it!-

and stay

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