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-Hey guys here is chapter six of Searching For Maggie hope you guys like it!-

Note: I have been to Disneyland a lot and I used a Disneyland map to help write this chapter.

Taylor's POV:

Ed and I reached the gates of Disneyland and I smiled, as he grabbed onto my hand.

"How many times have you been to Disneyland since you worked at Diane's Diner?" Asked Ed as he handed the lady our tickets.

"Um, only one other time about a week ago, but it was by myself which is never as fun," I laughed and Ed did too.

The lady at the station thing we were at (there were about 50 different station things) smiled at us and put a invisible stamp on both of our left hands.

"This is so that if you leave and come back we know you didn't give your tickets to someone else," she smiled, "have a nice day."

Ed and I then walked through the revolving metal things into the first part with two tunnels on either side, the train on top and in the middle a giant Mickey Mouse head made out of purple and white flowers.

"Which side do you want to go though?" Asked Ed, but I just pulled him close to me and took a selfie with him in front of the flower Mickey Mouse.

"Right," I answered excitedly, pulling him over to the short tunnel.

We then began to walk through it, the tunnel was only a few meters long but on one side it had all old framed Disney movie posters.

On the other side of the tunnel was of course Main Street with all the characters and shops.

"I'm walking right down the middle of main-street U.S.A!" Sung Ed and I laughed.

We decided to then get a photo with Mickey and Minne since they were the closest and the line wasn't that big since it was still early.

Once we got to the front Ed and I got a photo and high-fived them before continuing down Main Street, U.S.A.

"We're such 5 year olds," I laughed and Ed nodded.

It didn't take long before we reached the statue of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse, we took photos of us with that before deciding to do Fantasyland first.

(If you are unaware Disneyland is split into different 'lands' or parts of the park)

We again took more photos in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle before walking through it into Fantasyland.

"What ride do you want to do first?" Asked Ed as we walked through the castle.

"Alice In Wonderland," I smiled, just before I pulled him into the que.

But Ed pulled me back out of the line and lead me down the exclusive/disabled line.

"Ed what are you-" I asked him as we reached the front, he then passed the man who was letting people on the ride a black and red card and we we're let through onto the ride.

"You didn't think I was going to let us wait in lines did you?" He laughed as the door to the blue Alice In Wonderland caterpillar shaped cart was closed and we began to move.

The ride was lots of fun, and so were the others in Fantasyland. My favorite ride in fantasy land was the Peter Pan ride, I liked it when you sailed over the city and you were floating around all the stars in the black sky.

We then decided to go to Indiana Jones next and that was awesome, my favorite part was the giant snake and Ed's was the bolder that almost hit you.

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