chapter four.

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The next day Hui Yin woke up to find herself on the floor right beside her stairwell for the 3rd time this week. She groaned after noticing the new found bruise on her arm by her wrist. She sighed and quickly got ready for the day making sure to wear long sleeved shirt.

She walked with Mei Zuo who picked her up this morning to the Bridge room to find Ah Si complaining to Xi Men and Lei. "Is this about her offering to be Shan Cai's boyfriend?" I asked making our presence known as we walked down. Daoming Si groaned once more as I sat beside Xi Men on one of the couches.

"I still don't understand why," he whined as the boys, minus Lei, groaned. "Not everyone likes Daoming Si, ge," I told him softly.

"Yep!" Mei Zuo and Xi Men added at the same time. Ah Si just gave up and huffed in his seat.

Hui Yin was cracking her neck and stretching her limbs causing her sleeves to move down. Lei noticed the bruise on her wrist and immediately pulled her arm down. "Ge, what are you," Hui Yin began to say but was interrupted when Lei pulled her sleeves upwards to reveal more bruising. "Ge!"

"Hui Yin, why didn't you tell us that you still sleepwalk. You know how dangerous that is especially when you're alone," Lei said quite agitated causing the others to look at them both. Xi Men carefully took her arm and examined the bruises. "Ge, it's nothing," she sighed knowing that she failed to keep this secret from them.

"Xiao Hui, I can't let you live on your own if you still sleepwalk. What if you trip down the stairs or bump into something and injure yourself?" Ah Si said walking up to her. "I'll arrange for you to live in my house," he said taking his phone out.

Hui Yin quickly stood up and snatched his phone away. "No. What if your mom comes home all of a sudden? That'll just bring me more trouble," she explained. Lei sighed and stood up to face her. "Just stay at my house. You already have a room that you always stay there in anyways. Plus, you can't live with Mei Zuo or Xi Men because of their incredible records," Lei explained earning glares from said record holders.

Hui Yin huffed pulling her sleeves down and taking her bag. "Let's talk about this later. I have class and a meeting to attend after school," she said walking up the stairs to exit the room.

The five finally finished their classes and walked together down the hall to exit the school. "I heard Jing jie is coming back," Hui Yin whispered to Xi Men who had one arm slung over her shoulder. "Yeah, I heard. I wonder how Lei will react."

"I bet he'll be so happy," I answered. Just then we heard commotion behind us. We turned around and faced our childhood friend after 3 years. I was the first one to react. I ran up to her and hugged her tight. "Jie!"

"Xiao Hui!" She hugged back. Jing pulled me away by the shoulders and eyed me up and down. "You're so pretty," she smiled softly stroking my hair.

When they were kids, Xiao Hui used to run to Jing for things that the boys wouldn't understand. She treated her like her own sister and Jing's parents basically adopted her. She always treated Hui Yin like a child even though she was only a few years older.

"You're prettier," Hui Yin argued. "Okay, that's enough. Jing, welcome back," Ah Si said hugging Jing followed by Mei Zuo and Xi Men. Xiao Hui was standing beside Lei and nudged him when he stood frozen in his place. She watched as they hugged and she smiled widely at it. She looked behind her and saw the look on one certain freshman. She sighed and knew her speculations were correct; Shancai liked Lei. She also knew that Ah Si wouldn't like it.

After their mini reunion, they planned to have dinner but Hui Yin told them that lshe couldn't join as she had to attend a meeting. She was picked up by one of her employees and drive her to the company. She quickly rushed into the meeting room and sat at the head of the table. She was told an accident happened and she was eager to know what it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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