Dreamer of Dreams

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She dismounted on the green, the grass bright shades of emerald, the shadows of the imposing buildings which surrounded the main structure cascading shapes of darkness down on the two visitors.

Marian then lifted down Edmund who was staring around, now surprisingly silent, at the majestic buildings which towered over him.
"Is my cousin really here?" He then whispered to his mother. She nodded
"Yes, chéri" she replied walking forward with her son following behind her, his emotions now somber, a worried look on his face
"W-wouldn't he like to be at Westminster? W-with us?"

His mother stopped walking, turned and kneeled down on the ground in front of him, placing a gloved hand gently on his cheek. The boy tilted his head a little, nuzzling into her hand.
"He will be, Edmund. Soon. There will be a grand coronation for your cousin, the King, and then he will come to Westminster with his brother." She paused for a moment, smiled at her son "did you know that the King has asked for you specifically to be placed in his household once he is crowned?"

As predicted, Edmund's mood brightened considerably and he beamed, eyes as wide as saucers.
"For me?" He breathed in wonder
"Yes, chéri. For you"

His mind was consumed by thoughts of grandeur and the glittering court, the vision of being by the King's side and with his younger brother. He looked up, still grinning but then his smile suddenly vanished, replaced with a look of intense fear. Marian frowned and turned, looking where her son's eyes were fixed and then her expression turned fearful as well, for standing by the window in one of the towers, was the unmistakable figure of her mother. She was still clad in the colours of Lancaster and although Marian couldn't see her face clearly, she was sure that it wore no smile.

Frozen by the sudden sight of Margaret of Anjou, neither Edmund nor Marian moved until one of the soldiers came up behind them
"Are you alright, my lady?" He asked gently. Marian jumped a little.

"Yes, yes I-I'm fine" she replied quickly, tearing her eyes away from the window and taking the hand which the man had extended towards her. As she rose she stumbled slightly but the soldier caught her in his arms and she managed to right herself, quickly adjusting the gold, ruby encrusted girdle that hung about her waist, smoothing out her cerulean silk gown and brushing the traces of dirt from her heavy hanging sleeves. 

"Are you sure you are alright, my lady?"
She nodded, looked up to the window where Margaret had been, but the woman had vanished and Marian was able to compose herself a little.
"Yes, thank you" she answered, taking Edmund's hand and squeezing it reassuringly.

"Are you alright, my darling?" She asked the boy. He nodded, though was clearly rather shaken and Marian decided to quickly pull him inside the Tower, the soldier behind them, looking around warily, hand on the hilt of his sword.
"Who was that woman, mama?" The little boy asked as they began to ascend the steps. His mother shook her head.
"That..." she said slowly "was your grandmother"

"Your grace, your Aunt, the Duchess of Gloucester and your cousin, Edmund Plantagenet are here to see you" one of the guards announced.
"Send them in" Marian heard Edward call back, authority in his voice. 

Marian and Edmund advanced into the chamber and immediately both sunk to the ground when the King appeared, wearing a wide smile on his young face.
"Ah, aunt!" He greeted as he took her hand, brought her to her feet "you look radiant, as always" Marian smiled
"Thank you, Edward. You may remember my eldest son from Christmases at court? This is Edmund"

The Rose of Lancaster  |  The White QueenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora