I groaned in my pillow, wanting to erase the thought I just conjured up in my mind.

He told me that he doesn't like Sydney already so I shouldn't let my thoughts get the better of me.

I can wait until later.

Ten p.m.

I've been waiting and waiting.

Any notification that pops up on my phone and I immediate reach for it, thinking it's Isaac calling or texting me but it wasn't.

I sighed and got comfortable on my bed, deciding not to get my hopes up again for the next hour. He said he would call at eleven so I still have an hour. I just wish he would have texted me that he made it home okay or what he was doing right now.

There was a knock on my bedroom door and I said for whoever it was to come in.

"Hi dear," My grandma peaked her head inside of my room. "I got Ava tucked into bed an hour ago and told your brothers not to stay up too late so I'm telling you the same." She said.

"Okay." I smiled, little does she know, I'll be up until past midnight watching a movie. But what is late anyway? Twelve o'clock? One, two, three in the morning?

"I think your grandpa and I will be going to bed soon but if you need us, you know where we are." She said. "Goodnight."


When it was five minutes past eleven, I ran my fingers through my hair and picked up my phone to see if Isaac called or not but I had no new notifications. I was busying myself with YouTube videos and reading one of my favorite books to past time.

Why hasn't he called or bothered texting me?

If he didn't want to have a movie night with me, fine but he could have at least called and told me himself.

It was his idea after all and he knows I hate staying up late so he should have said something.

Right as I was about to text him, I received one from him.

Fancy opening the door?

I reread it to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. Does this mean he's outside?

I was very quiet as I made my way downstairs, not wanting to disturb or alert anyone. My grandparents were most likely asleep, so was Ava but my brothers are awake, I heard them in their rooms, shouting at their video games per usual.

I peaked out of the peephole and saw Isaac standing on the porch with his hands in his pockets, waiting for me to let him in.

I opened the door and quickly disabled the alarm before he gripped my hand and pulled me upstairs to my room.

I was surprised and confused at his appearance. Did he walk all the way here?

I waited until we were safe and sound in my room with the door locked before speaking, "What are you doing here? I though we were gonna FaceTime and-"

"Facetiming is overrated, I wanted to see you." He said. "I figured your grandparents would be asleep so I could sneak in for tonight. I'm sorry I didn't call but I wanted it to be a surprise... Are you surprised?"

"Yes." I spoke almost too loudly. "I thought you forgot about our movie night. Too entertained with Sydney." I sarcastically said to with he rolled his eyes.

"Like I could ever forget about you." He cupped my cheek and and leaned in to kiss the corner of my mouth. "And I thought I told you already, Sydney is just my friend." He assured me once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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