". Don't you dare talk to me in that manner or even mention your father's name! It is because of him that I'm in this mess. "

Onyedikachi's face hardened as the cold recollection of everything his brother went through in the hands of his fellow business men came surging back to his mind. All that was  because they thought he had attempted to kill Chijioke while his mother hid the truth from them  . His cheek stung a bit from the hit but his anger suppressed the pain.

"What was I supposed to do eh? Fold my hands and watch him kill my son?"

"It wasnt a fight to the death mother ,Arinze and I have had one too many of those kinds of  fights .There's really no excuse for this and don't bother calling mother "

Walking out of the house, he couldn't help but remember how he had once fought with Mma because she hinted it was his family member that hand a hand in Chijioke's attack.

Onyedikachi punched his steering wheel out of anger which let out a honk sound followed by a deep exhalation. He turned on his vehicle and navigated to Arinze's with hopes that the revelation his mother had plunged into his hands wouldn't also tear his brother. After all he was the the one who had been interrogated by the police and was still on top of their suspect list.

On getting there, he saw his brother outside clearing weeds that had sprung up in front of their gate.

Quite baffled to see Onyedikachi, Arinze quickly discarded his tools and waited for his brother to approach.

"Ọ dị kwa mma? I won't say I wasn't expecting you here?" Arinze's instincts had whispered of a subtle danger after his brother's revelation and he wasn't much surprised when his brother mentioned his fight with their mother. A part of him knew his mother would never agree to such union.

" Is it because of ịga eri?"

Onyedikachi much acclaimed with the range of his brother's rage, thought it wise to keep the truth to himself which further convinced Arinze that it was indeed because of Obanma.

The two brothers conversed briefly owing to Arinze's attempt at changing the topic. He mentioned building a warehouse because of their family business and Onyedikachi speedily agreed.

Olivia broke the discourse with an invitation to eat and was quite stunned to see Onyedikachi in their home.

Onyedikachi's stay wasn't for long and he left for Enugu the next day. Ralph, the carefree had a long squabble with his father that led to Onyedikachi jumping to aid of the man. He was always the one sent on assignments Ralph tossed aside against his father's wish. Little wonder he was seen as a threat by the fool.

He had stalled on calling Obanma severally because he saw himself letting lose the truth he found out from his mother to Obanma's hearing which could draw no less than a painful tirade from her part.

Onyedikachi felt so stupid for not seeing how deeply rooted hate had sunk its tentacles into his mother.

He had spoken with Chijioke on his way who had insisted on meeting him for reasons he knew too much.

Onyedikachi could not deny the plague wrought on him by uncertainty even though he did not trust Chijioke enough.

What if his father was truly guilty?

It would destroy his mother who he knew held on to merely tethers of whom she thought her husband to be. It would ruin him, the thought of losing Obanma to what he could not battle, blood

Onyedikachi stepped out of his vehicle to the very hotel Chijioke had directed him to, more wary than he was when he began the journey.

He approached the receptionist for directions to the lounge where Chijioke was.

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