Mario X Meggy - A Christmas Special

Start from the beginning

"How the hell did you get one of those?!" Bowser asked completely shocked

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"How the hell did you get one of those?!" Bowser asked completely shocked. He knew what that was. It was one of the Subspace guns Bowser used to have one himself until a Bird named Falco destroyed it. "Don't worry bout it" SMG3 fired the Subspace gun at Bowser, Bowser just jumped over it. Big Mistake. SMG3 caught his landing by shooting the Subspace gun once again. The Dark Arrow from the gun penetrated Bowser right in the stomach turning him into a trophy like statue.

"Perfect" SMG3 grabbed the "Trophy" left behind and made his way to Bowser's Doom Ship outside the castle and flew off into the sky

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"Perfect" SMG3 grabbed the "Trophy" left behind and made his way to Bowser's Doom Ship outside the castle and flew off into the sky. Once he was high enough he chained Bowser up in one of the back corners of the main room. Aka the room where you use to control the ship. Getting to work SMG3 opened the coverts and cabinets and found a whole bunch of "stuff" Taking out some mushrooms SMG3 had with him he started mixing together random ingredients with the mushroom to create a poison mushroom but he did not know how. He accidentally created multiple different types of mushrooms like Super Mushrooms and Mini Mushrooms and even a 1-Up Mushroom that he threw out. After multiple attempts he gave up. Walking over to Bowser (or his statue) frustrated, he touched the golden piece at the bottom of the statue. Reviving Bowser.

"I need your help" SMG3 smirked "With what" Bowser said annoyed. "What are we doing in MY DOOM SHIP?!" I need your help to create a Poisonous Mushroom. "And why would I help you with that?" "So I can kill the red bastard and the rest of his friends!" "Like I'm helping you" "Well then don't besides your the one in chains not me." SMG3 smirked. Bowser ticked off, shot a fire ball at SMG3. It did nothing however. "Play nice now won't you?" SMG3 said to the Koopa King taunting him. He shot a beam of dark magic at Bowser knocking him unconscious. "Well I might as well keep trying" SMG3 sighed as he continued his work. Over the next few days he kept trying, thankfully for him he had a truck load of supplies to work with so he didn't have much to worry about. During these days also the SMG4 gang where shopping and decorating the castle while also attending to their normal daily lives completely unaware what was happening.

"Hey Mario help me set up these lights across the top at the door!" SMG4 yelled. "Alrighty!" The 2 Italians used ladders to reach the ceiling and started spreading the lights across the top of the castle. Mario lost his balance and fell over taking SMG4 down with him because he was still holding the lights from the other end.

A Christmas Special (Sequel To MxM Don't Leave Me)Where stories live. Discover now