8-Breakdown after a wet dream

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⚠️TW mention of self harm⚠️

-Lou..Lou..-Harry let out between moans. He was bent over a table in the potions classroom, and Louis was hovering over him, pushing into the hufflepuff with a fast pace.
He was about to finish, when the door snapped open, revealing a very angry Snape.
-Louis Tomlinson!-He yelled.

-Louis! Louis wake up!
Louis opened his eyes to see Niall shaking him by his shoulders.
-What?-Louis asked rather angrily, because he was having a good time a minute ago. Maybe only in his dreams, but still.
-You were moving around so much, and panting, I thought you had a nightmare!-Niall said in a worried tone.

-I was not having a nightmare. Quite the opposite actually.

-Bloody hell Tommo, please tell me you're not having a boner right now.

-I'm sorry to dissapoint you my sweet and innocent child.

Niall quickly stood up and walked back to his bed, leaving Louis alone with his problem.
He decided to not take care of it in the room with the other boys, so headed out to the nearest restroom.

He finished his bussiness,and was about to head back to sleep, when he heard the door open. He thought it was a teacher,so he quickly sat on top of the toilet seat, grabbing his knees in front of his chest. He should've gone to the toilet in the dormitory, but he wanted to do his thing in peace.

The person entered the cabin next to him, but they just sat down on the floor. That's when Louis realized, that this was not a teacher, this was a sad student. He wanted to leave, before it got akward,so he opened the door and left the cabin.
What he didn't know was, that the other boy didn't close his door, so he saw Louis trying to sneak out.


He turned around to see a curled up Harry.

-How many times will I find you being sad behind me?-Louis smiled softly, walking up to Harry and sitting down in front of him.

-Talk to me.

-I feel.. I don't know. It's.. it's so weird and.. Ugh I don't know how to say it!

-Is it your sister?

-No, and I wish it was. I just feel sad without a reason.

-Harry that's normal, it's impossible to feel happy all the time.

-But Lou, I did feel happy, and now, when I look in the mirror all I see is flaws, that I want to change. When I'm alone with my thoughts for more than 10 minutes I get this overwhelming feeling about all the things I could have done better. I feel shitty about everything I do. Even if I do something good, if I achieve something, there's still and empty feeling, and nothing satisfies me! I'm never good enough for me. And what makes me feel even shittier is the thought of how happy I was! I was proud of myself, I loved my fucking face, and my stupid hips, and I didn't feel like shit all the time, and I wish I could go back to that, but I don't know how, Lou. I tried but it's not working. I'm just exhausted from feeling like this, I just want to let go for an hour. But the feeling is always there like a void in my chest, and there was no reason for this feeling to appear. I didn't fail in anything, and it's started before my sister got sick. I thought coming out would help, but now I just feel like everybody is judging me, whispering about me, and I wish I didn't care about what people think, but I do. It hurts.
Louis, It's just hurts all the time.

Harry just hid his face behind his knees, softly crying, while Louis stared at him with wide eyes. He never tought Harry felt so shitty. Louis always saw him as the perfect guy. Smart, kind, and happy. He was always jealous of him, but it turns out, he is just as a fragile soul as Louis is.

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