4-Herbeology with an asshole

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The next moring Louis was woken up by a screaming Niall.
-Tommo,you're gonna be late get up get up!
-Saint Merlin Horan calm your tits!
-You have herbeology in ten minutes!
He got out of bed, quickly brushes his teeth and got dressed. He arrived to the class 2 minutes late. The teacher looked at him dissaprovingly.
-Tomlinson you're 2 minutes late, that means two points from gryffindor.
-Take it from slytherin, he's a traitor snake anyways-An annoying gryffindor commented.
-Now now, I know you're quite the joker mr.Grimshaw, but if you keep talking you'll earn some minus points too.
Louis walked to the back of the classroom with his head held down, standing next to a plant, seeing that there is an other plant without a student.

Just as he realized that the classroom door opened again, revealing a quite messy Harry Styles.
-Arriving late together, did the little fag turn you gay and made you suck his dick, Tomlinson?-Grimshaw commented.
The professor turned her head from Harry to Nick with a horrified look on her face.
-I do NOT tolerate this kind of hate speech in my classroom, or anywhere else in this castle mr.Grimshaw, you got yourself a 3 week long detention and I'm taking 50 points from Gryffindor, this is unacceptable!
-And they say that Slytherins are dicks-Cara whispered to Louis, who nodded in agreement, still speechless after what he just witnessed.

Harry was still standing in the door, shifting from one leg to an other uncomfortably.

-Mr.Stlyes, I'm sorry for mr. Grimshaw's behavior but you were still four mintues late which means four points from hufflepuff.

Harry gave her a little nod, and walked back to the end of the classroom, right next to Louis.
-Hey, I'm sorry I made you stay up so late, You wouldn't be late if it weren't for me.-Louis whispered.
-Oh no, I woke up in time, but I got a.. Something personal came up, and I had to take care of it.
-Oh. Alright. I'm also sorry for Grimshaw.
-Don't apologize, he's the arsehole, not you.

They had to pair up to take care of some flower that Louis didn't bother to learn the name of. Harry and him teamed up, and obviously Harry did most of the work, while Louis kept talking.

-So basically Zayn is like a baby. He seems super tough, and a party animal-Which he is, you should see him after two rounds of firewhisky-but he has a soft side and..
-Look Louis I would love to learn more about Malik, but I'm pretty out of it right now, and I can't really pay attention, so If you could tell me this later, maybe in the afternoon, that would be great.

Louis didn't take it personally, he already noticed that Harry wasn't completely himself, so he just helped the hufflepuff quietly.

They trimmed the flower, and collected the leaves they cut off in a jar.
-This is so boring, why are we caring for a flower?-Louis rolled his eyes.
-This flower can heal broken bones with a single leaf, if you make a potion out of it. We learned that at the beginning of this class.-Harry explained in a monotone tone.

Louis slowly nodded, keeping an eye on the curly lad. He'd never seen him so.. boring. And now that Harry was sort of his friend, he started to get worried.

After class he ran up to him, (it's hard to keep pace with that giraffe) and asked:
-Harry I know you have much better friends to talk to about your problems, but I'm worried about you, so If you want, you can talk to me, just wanted to let you know.
-Thanks Lou, I appriciate it.-Harry gave him a small smile.-maybe later I'll talk to you, but it seems that Malik needs you right now.

Louis turned around to see a worried Zayn waving him over.

-Oh alright, guess I'll see you later Styles.
-See you.

Louis ran up to Zayn, who started to tell his story without even saying hi.

-For Merlin's sake Louis, I'm fucked. I was talking to Gigi, and Fucking Perrie Edwards and her gang came up to us and she had the nerve to say "I see you've gone soft, that's why you're going after girls with no personality"
And dude, I did break up with Perrie in a rude way but she has no right to insult Gigi. And I wanted to stand up for her I really did, but I was shocked, I hadn't talk to Perrie since we broke up! So Gigi fired back-She's such a baddass Louis, I swear- And she turned around and looked at me and said "Maybe you did go soft. But not in a good way. Pussy"

Louis blinked a few times, trying to process the amount of information he got in last thirty seconds, then tried to assemble the story in one sentence.

-So Gigi's mad at you because you didn't stand up for her?


-And you have a plan I guess.

-Yeah I do.

-And you need my help...


-Alright Malik, Count me in.

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