10-Don't blame me for falling

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To the (very) few people who are reading this: I love you.

Louis arrived at the room of requirement at nine thirty,because he liked to be fashionably late. He knew that the beggining of parties always suck. Everybody is still sober,and just stands around akwardly. It's always best to arrive a little late, so you're around people who already losened up.

Niall was right behind him, with a pack of beer he brought from Ireland, and a bottle of firewhisky. The two boys entered the room, to find a big area full of people. Louis looked around. He saw Barbara's boyfriend in the right corner, Cara was close to him, talking to some Ravenclaw chick. He spotted Charlie Weasley, Nick Grimshaw, and in the left corner, he saw.. Barbara, and his boyfriend?

-I'm seeing double and I haven't even drink anything yet.-He said in disbelief.

-That's Cole, Dlyan's twin you genius.-Niall smacked him a little, then left to find the table with the drinks. Louis soon followed him, pouring himself a shot of firewhiskey. And an other one. After he downed to two glasses, he felt someone poking his shoulder.

-Zayn, my man!
-Hello Tommo. Pass me beer would you?

Louis gave him a guinness, and followed Zayn to a window, where the Slytherin gave him a cig.

-I don't know how I would survive here without this infinity pack I snuck in.-Zayn smirked. Gigi appeared next to the boys, resting her arms on Zayn's shoulder, mocking him for being a little shorter than her. Louis tried to stand on his tippy toes, so she wouldn't notice, that he's even shorter than Zayn, but the cigarette, and the few shots were starting to work, so he lost his balance and stumbled forward.
Zayn laughed behind him, and Louis without turning around gave the boy the middle finger.

He walked away from the couple, letting them do their couple-y things, and started looking for a certain Hufflepuff.
It was easy to spot Harry with his curls, standing next to the drinks, pouring some sparkly lemon vodka into a cup.

-Harry!-He smiled when he arrived next to the boy, grabbing an other shot of whiskey.

-Hi Lou!

-How much have drank so far?

-This is my second shot.

-Well, let's speed it up a little,shall we?-Louis shot his head back and drank the shot he already had in his hand.

-What do you mean?

-Care for a game of beer-pong?


They found a table and set up the game. Suprisingly, Harry had a good aim, making Louis lose very quickly. After Louis' cups were emtpy, he demanded that Harry drinks the rest of his beer too, because of fair sportsmenship.

The alcohol started to bring out the excited side of Louis, while it turned Harry into a giggling mess.
The gryffindor dragged Harry into the middle of the room, and started to bust some incredibly awful dance moves, making Harry laugh even more. They danced around a little bit, but Louis noticed that Harry's head was a little red, and he was stumbling a little too much.
He grabbed the boys hand, and snuck him out to the nearest washroom. Harry didn't throw up, insead he stood by the window, getting some fresh air.
Louis head cleared out a litte, of course he was still quite tipsy, but he was more in control of his actions.

-Feel better?-He asked.

-Yeah, let's head back.-Harry smiled. They sneaked back to the door, but when they entered, they found themselves in a different room.

-What? I'm pretty sure I wanted to go to the party.-Louis rolled his eyes.

-The room leads you to what you need, not what you want.

Louis looked around the room. It was small, and only had a fireplace in it.

-Ah yes, I just craved an empty room!

-C'mon, maybe it means something.-Harry tried to calm the smaller boy down, so he grabbes his hands and pulled him closer.

-Calm down, Tommo, okay?-He barely whispered. Why did he whisper? Louis felt butterflies appearing in his stomach. Harry was holding his hand, looking in his eyes, and he was whispering to him. How intimate.

They just stared at each other, faces getting closer and closer, to the point when the two boys' lips were lingering around each other. Neither of them made the final move. Louis' tounge jumped a little, trying to get closer, but his face didn't bludge.
Harry's breathing was getting heavier, signaling that he was getting eager. Louis finally closed his eyes fully, and leaned forward. But his lips didn't meet anything.
He opened his eyes, to see Harry leaning back a little, with a worried look on his face.

-I'm so sorry Louis, you're drunk and I..I shouldn't...I'm fucking this up.. I shouldn't be here. I'm sorry.-Harry stumbled out from the room, leaving Louis alone in the empty room.

His mind was clear enough to know that he'll remember this the next day, which made it even worse. He was so close. So close to him.
He crumbled down to a little ball, holding his knees close, tears appearing in his eyes. Harry didn't want him.
This was the first time he actually felt something towards someone. Sure he had a few girlfriends, but he realized that he didn't like them in the way he should have.

Harry made him come out of his shell, and he made Louis happy. He helped him with his grief, and Louis took care of him too. He loved taking care of Harry. He'd fallen so deep so quickly, and now he blew it.

He fucked their friendship up, he fucked it all up.

After crying for a few minutes, he stood up, wiped his face, and acknowleged the fact the the effects of alcohol had completely worn off.

He walked out from the room, closed his eyes and reaped "please lead me back to the party" to himself.
The door reapeared, and he walked in. It was the party.

A lot of people had left, being afraid of being caught, but there was still a lot of students. He found Zayn and Niall talking on a sofa. He sat down between them, and put on his best fake smile.

-Hey dude, where have you been?

-I needed fresh air, my head was killing me. Did anything interesting happen?

-We saw Payno practically snogging the life out of his girlfriend. I don't know how she got in, she's not in our year. It was wild, Payno isn't an innocent kid like I thought.-Niall practially yelled. He always became even louder when he was drunk.

-I bet he's a big perv in reality.-Zayn laughed.-What happened with you and Harry? I saw you two dance around.

-I uhm.. I lost him there I don't know where he went.-Wasn't a complete lie. It was just a different place where he lost him.

-Are you okay Louis?-Zayn said in a more serious tone, concern in his eyes.

-Yeah I'm fine. I'm kinda tired tho, I think I'll head to bed.

-Alright man, but you know you can talk to me.

-I know. Goodnight.

Louis didn't want to tell his friends what happened, becuase he found it embarassing.
He crawled under his blankets, wrapping his arms around his waist, digging his nails into his sides. He was used to being alone. He was alone most of his childhood. His dad was working non stop, and his sisters were was to young for him, to be called company.He spent a lot of time alone at hogwarts too. He only had two friends for five years. He went to parties, and was the seeker of the quiddich team, he was a well known troublemaker, but everyone either disliked him, or just didn't care about who he was.

Louis was used to being alone. But for the first time in eight years, he actually hated it.

He was lonely.

And it was all because he hopelessly fell for someone, who could never be his.

Tf is this chapter

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