
West Street 7:30 P.M

"Please pick up," Peter mumbled to himself as the phone dialled Aunt May's number. "Please, please pick up."

"Peter?" Aunt May's voice said at the other side. Peter let out a relieved sigh.

"Hey Aunt May," Peter said. "Are you alright? Did anything happen?"

"I'm fine Peter," Aunt May said. "But where are you? Aren't you running late for the curfew?"

"I'm on my..."

Peter's sentence was interrupted when he was walking by an electronic store and he saw a news bulletin about the Joker being captured.

"I'm at Bruce Wayne's house. For a... for a sleepover."

"Peter Parker you..."

Peter closed his eyes feeling guilty he had to lie. "Yeah, yeah I know. But the Waynes aren't as bad as you think they are. Besides Mr. Wayne upped security so I'll be fine."

"If anything happens..."

"I'll be fine May," Peter said. "I'm fifteen, I can take care of myself."

There was a pause on the other end of the line before Aunt May sighed. "Be sure to brush your teeth, Peter."

"I will."

"And don't take anything Bruce Wayne offers you," Aunt May said. "You know how those millionaires are."

"I won't."

"Goodbye Peter," Aunt May said. "Be sure to call."

"Sure, sure," Peter said. "Love you Aunt May."

Peter put his phone back and hoped one web shooter was enough to take care of the Joker.


The Parker Apartment- 7:35 P.M

Just to make sure he was there safely, Aunt May decided to call the Wayne Manor. She found their number in the phonebook just fine and dialled.

It was a few minutes before the person on the other end of the line picked up.

"Mr. Wayne isn't available at this time to answer your call," said a smooth British voice. "Please call again later."

"I'm not here for Mr. Wayne," May said. "I'm here to ask about my nephew, Peter."

"Peter Parker?" asked the voice.

"Yes," May said. "He's at the manor on a sleepover. I'm wondering if I can check up on him."

There was a pause that made Aunt May' stomach churn. What if Peter wasn't there? What if Peter lied to him about going to that billionaire's manor and was instead busy picking fights on the streets?

"I'm afraid Master Parker can't answer right now," Alfred said. "Him and Master Richard are engaged in an intense match of Town Fighter and I'm afraid Master Richard does not want any disturbances. I can tell him you called though."

"Please do," Aunt May said. "And tell him to brush his teeth."

"I will Mrs. Parker," Alfred said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to clean up after Master Wayne. If I don't, who will?"

May laughed at that. "Tell me about it. Thank you, Mr..."

"Pennysworth," Alfred said. "But you can call me Alfred."


Outside the Gotham City Police Department- 8:10 P.M

The sirens of the GCPD police fleet following the Batmobile screeched to a halt as the Batmobile.

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