Epilogue: The Romeo and Juliet of Yokohama

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A few weeks ago, the Detective Agency were having a little party after another solved case, it involved food, drinks and most importantly, alcohol.

The detectives, at this point were a bit tipsy, some more than others. So Yosano decided to make a deal.

"Hey. Promise me that if anyone got into a relationship- the romantic kind," She added when Kenji tilted his head. "That you would tell the Agency as soon as you can."

"Mm. What, are you worried, Yosano-sensei?" Dazai hummed. "Not really," Yosano smirked. "Just wanna get some details."

"Okay!" Ranpo cheered. "It's a promise!"


A light shone on a red room, subsiding to reveal the four men.

"Ow...My head..." Chuuya groaned as he stood up, wincing in pain from the fall.

"You're not the only one chibi." Dazai remarked, stretching until this bones popped.

"Where are we?" Atsushi asked.

"Probably inside Poe-kun's book." Dazai replied. "You know, the love story one Ranpo-san showed us?"

"Ah. That one." Akutagawa nodded.

"Dazai-san!" Atsushi called. "There's writing here."

After the three approached Atsushi, he began to read the writing.

'Greetings! In the case that you are me from the future, you don't need to read this. But if you are not Poe, please read the instructions carefully.

This is a romance novel I have created for, embarrasingly, me and my future significant other.

Using my ability, I have made it so that the people who will be trapped inside could choose what chapter to act out. I have researched the web on popular themes for romance novels and compiled it so that people who are trapped here can enjoy my work! I have food stocked at the kitchen in the next room so that visitors can stay for a period of time.

Time here passes slower than the outside, you see. The only time the romance novel's time and the real world's time is in sync is when the trapped people are playing the themes. The only setback is that at least one life is watching the people trapped from the outside. It can be an animal or a human as long as they have eyes, but this is not for the faint of heart, I must warn you. The chosen theme's setting will materialise when the pair is sure they want to play this.

It will vanish when, 1.Their theme has been completed by the viewer and 2. The book is shut. The only way a pair placed in here can get out is either by me disabling my ability or completing a theme. I sincerely hope you enjoy!'

After Atsushi read the last word, Dazai sniggered.

"Oi. Bandaged Bastard." Chuuya called grumpily. "What're you laughing at?"

"Atsushi-kun, this is an amazing opportunity-!"

"What do you mean?" Atsushi asked warily.

"Do you remember the Agency promise? That we will announce romantic relationships as soon as we can?"


"We can announce to them with this! We can even announce it to the Port Mafia as well!"

"Are you mental, Osamu?!" Chuuya shrieked. "The organizations are enemies! You and Atsushi might have a chance of being accepted, but me and Akutagawa will be shot down!"

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