Shin Soukoku: Beneath the Moonlight

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Hirotsu opens the book to the next page, praying that it will be the last.

Lucy and Higuchi brace themselves.

Kyouka and Gin closes their eyes and breathes, opening them after in acceptance.

Lucy turns to Kyouka. "Why are you not tense?"

"I don't need to." Kyouka sighs. "I accept them."


The book is opened, showing Atsushi on top of a balcony and Akutagawa on the ground below Atsushi.

"What is this?" Kunikida raises a brow. "Romeo and Juliet?"

"Possibly." Ranpo replies. "I mean, the title of the chapter says so."

"There was a title?" Kouyou asks in confusion.

"Yeah. You just didn't notice." Ranpo smirks.

A hand grasps another, jumping off the balcony and into the grass. 

Into the embrace of his Romeo

"Isn't that dangerous?" Tachihara questions.

"The weretiger is part cat." Gin retorts. "Cats can jump off of high places without breaking a bone."

"So he can jump off the ADA building and land without any complications?"

"I think he can even jump to the window from the ground floor."


"Quiet down, Tachihara, Gin." Hirotsu scolds.


"Ryuu..." Atsushi laughs breathlessly. "We did it...!" 

"Mm." Ryuunosuke hums as he continue to hug his Juliet. 

"That's cute and all, but what did they do?" Tachihara asks.

"Lad, please don't tell me that you haven't read Romeo and Juliet, that absolute masterpiece?" Kouyou asks increduously.

"Okay then, I won't, Kouyou-san..."

"Are you serious-!"

"Mother and Father would surely explode over this!" Atsushi continues laughing. 

"Well, you did leave a note, making it obvious that you chose to elope with the son of the enemy house." Ryuunosuke points out. "Of course they'll be mad. They'll deploy guards and soldiers to search for us." 

"Oh they would be stinking rich, since they're the children of noble families." Lucy observes.

"Lass, you read the story?" Kouyou raises a brow.

Lucy blushes. "Ah, yeah, the book was never really used back in the orphanage, so I could always just swipe it and keep it under my bed. It was a good story.."

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