Potter On

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It took a few weeks for Jayne to find a dress she liked and in a shop with polite sales assistants. She chose a long sparkly dark blue dress with some plain black shoes. Now that she was slowly getting movement and feeling back in her legs and feet it was easier to get dressed on her own but she still couldn't stand up on her own. It would would be a two man job to get her dressed for the premier but she knew it would be worth it.

On the day of the premier she did her hair and make up on her own in her room downstairs while Ricky got dressed upstairs.

"Rick! Can you help me when you have a second? No rush!" she shouted.

He came running in looking panicked.

"What happened? Are you alright?" he huffed.

"I said it wasn't a rush." she sighed. "I just need you to help me get dressed."

"Oh, ok." he sighed. "I thought you'd fallen over."

"You know I'm fine most of the time when I fall over." she explained as she pulled herself upright. "All you need to do is pull it up."

He looked at the dress that she'd left in a pool around her ankles and did as he was told. When she needed help dressing she would put her feet in the garment and leave it ready for him to pull it up over her.

Although he never voiced his desired he admitted to himself that he'd rather be removing her clothes and leaving them in messy piles on the floor. Maybe one day soon he'd get this. When she was dressed he slipped an arm around her waist and kissed the back of her bared neck.

"You look beautiful." he told her softly. "I knew you would."

"Thank you." she smiled. "You look deliciously handsome. So good I kind of want to stay at home with my handsome man."

"I'll cancel the taxi then!" he laughed.

"Don't you dare!" she laughed. "Sex can wait, we're going to see Harry Potter!"

"Not just any Harry Potter you know. The one I'm in!" he grinned.

"You're so cool. Mr movie star!" she squeaked like an excited teenager.

As they were leaving he put an envelope on her lap.

"Look after these." he told her.

"Oo, it's real now we've got the tickets!" she grinned.

"It's always been real darling. Look after those. If we lose them we can't see the film." he told her and kissed her cheek.

She played anxiously with her dress during the drive to Leister Square where the premier was taking place. She had never thought she'd be at a film premier in London let alone for her favourite franchise of films. Ideally she'd have wanted to be there not as a recovering paraplegic. She wasn't graceful at getting in and out of cars on her own before the accident but now Ricky had to practically lift her from one car to wheelchair and vice versa.

"I'm nervous." she confessed.

"Don't be. All we have to do is get out the car, walk along the red carpet, maybe smile and wave a bit then see the film." he reassured her.

"Yeah but I have to get out of the car in front of loads of people and cameras." she said.

"No one'll be looking." he shrugged.

As they got closer to the cinema the traffic got heavier. Eventually it got so bad the car was barely moving. Jayne sighed and looked at the line of cars in front of them.

"I really don't want to be late." she sighed.

"We could get out and walk the rest of the way. It's just around the corner." Ricky pointed out.

He spoke to the driver who agreed and pulled over to the pavement. Ricky got out the car to get the wheelchair from the boot and then opened Jayne's door.

"Your chariot my lady!" he grinned.

With a bit of help she got into the wheelchair and they set off towards Leister Square.

"There it is!" she squeaked with excitement when they saw the crowds and gigantic signs.

As they got to the red carpet area an usher asked to look at their tickets which Jayne handed to him. He returned their tickets and gestured for them to go ahead.

"Nearly there!" Ricky whispered in Jayne's ear.

She giggled with excitement and grinned as they continued onto the red carpet area. On either side of the wide red carpet were barriers with people the other side of them. On one side was the press, the other fans. There were fans dressed up as characters and wearing the school scarfs. A few fans called to Ricky.

"Do you mind if I go over to them?" he asked.

"I don't mind at all." she shrugged.

"I'm taking you with me though." he told her as they headed over.

He stood around chatting and signing things for a while. Jayne quite liked knowing he had fans and he took the time to speak to them but she was a little worried they wouldn't like that he had a girlfriend who uses a wheelchair. She shook the thought out of her head. He sometimes told her she was over thinking things and this was probably one of those occasions.

He stopped to talk to a few more people. Some fans, some press and some of the cast. Jayne tried not to show how star struck she felt but couldn't grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

Once they were sat in their seats there were a few speeches from the director and producers.

"I'm looking forward to playing 'Spot my boyfriend'!" Jayne whispered.

"I'm wearing purple and stood by a lift in the Ministry." Ricky whispered back.

He nudged her when his scene was on and grinned but it was so fleeting that she wasn't sure if she'd seen him or not. If he asked she'd just smile and try not to give a straight answer.

After the film they had a few drinks at the party and chatted to a few people. As much as she was enjoying watching famous people dance drunkenly and badly she was trying to catch Ricky's eye to give him a signal that she wanted to go home.

In the taxi ride home she slowly crept her hand up the inside of his thigh. He looking over at her and raising his eyebrows.

"You're feeling bold!" he laughed.

"Well, I can't help that you look divine in that suit!" she smirked.

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