Eager Beaver

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Hello again! I couldn't stay away too long. A new Ricky Fanfic for my Kaiser Chief buddies. Here's a little something I knocked up. Not much but it establishes things. Hope you enjoy. Charlie


It wasn't that our eyes met across a crowded room, it was love at first sight or any of that romantic fluff. I found him annoying at first. He would wait outside work for me. Not in the gentlemanly with flowers way. Ew.

I'd first met this guy on my lunch break about a week before he started turning up at my work. He'd just sat next to me in the cafe. Seemingly harmless until he started asking questions. At first they were normal questions like what films I like. Then he started asking if I had a boyfriend and if I would go out for a drink with him. Ew, no.

"You're not really my type." I said politely and left.

Not my type was a bit of a lie. I didn't have a type. He was a little bit chubby, had messy brown hair and needed a shave. Not classically handsome but kinda cute. When I looked past his rough edges I found I quite liked his bright blue eyes with a bit of a cheeky twinkle.

He was there the next day.

"Don't make me find a new cafe. I like this place, don't spoil it for me, Nicky." I warned him.

"Ricky." he said quietly.

"What?" I asked.

"Ricky. My name's not Nicky, it's Ricky." he said.

"Ok, I'm Jayne, with a Y after the A." I said and held my hand out to him.

"I know, you told me. Nice to meet you Jayne with a Y." he smiled and shook my hand.

I tried to be more patient with him. I knew I could be stand offish with men for no reason. We chatted for a bit. He seemed quite nice and he didn't talk to my boobs like most of the men at work. Some men didn't seem to realise I had a face that should be spoken to and just stared down my top. But again he asked me out for a drink and I said no.

He was there the next day and we chatted some more. He wasn't there the day after that. When I finished work I stepped out to see him leaning against the railings near the front of the shop.

"Please tell me you're just here by coincidence and that you didn't know I work here." I sighed.

"Well, it just happens that I know comic book shops quite well. I went a bit Sherlock Holmes when I saw your work uniform." he smiled.

"Are you stalking me now?" I asked.

"No, just adamant that we should go for a drink. Admit it, we'd be good together." he grinned.

"No." I said. "I don't date nerds. I spend enough time with them at work. Don't follow me!"

"I won't. I'll just wait here!" he laughed.

He wasn't there the next morning when I went to work or for lunch. But he was there when I left.

"There's my stalker!" I laughed.

"I'm not stalking you. If I were stalking you I'd have... Anyway, I'm just going on a feeling. I feel like we should try making this an relationship." he justified.

I rolled my eyes. "This isn't a relationship." I sighed.

"I know but it could be. I won't be here tomorrow, you don't have to worry. I'm working tomorrow." he said.

"You have a job? And I thought following me around like a lost puppy was your job." I said sarcastically.

"I'm going to be in a film." he said.

"You're an actor?" I asked. "But the other day you were a singer."

"I am. Most of the time I'm a singer but I'm doing a few little roles. Extras mainly." he shrugged.

"What's the film?" I asked.

"Harry Potter." he grinned.

"Seriously?" I asked, trying not to show how jealous I was. I'd been trying to get a role in the franchise for nearly ten years.

"Yeah, I love those films." he grinned. "So I'll see you the day after tomorrow if that's ok?"

"I look forward to hearing about it." I smiled.

He didn't keep his word though. He wasn't there two days later. I'll admit, I kind of missed him when he was away. On the third day I was at the tills when I saw him waving at me by the door.

"I'm working." I mouthed and mimed excessively.

A few moments later he was waiting in the queue of customers. When he got to the front I noticed he didn't have anything to pay for.

"You can't join the queue if you're not buying anything." I sighed.

"I just wanted to talk to you." he said.

"I can't talk. I'm working!" I sighed.

"Ok, I'll get something then we can talk." he said.

"That's not how it works." I called after him.

A few customers later he was back. I scanned his item and asked for the amount.

"Aren't you going to ask how it was?" he asked.

"I would but I'm working. It's busy." I gestured to the customers behind him. "Can it wait an hour?"

"Why are you getting angry at me?" he frowned. "I'm just making conversation."

"I have customers to serve." I told him plainly.

"But..." he started.

"I can talk later. Are you paying for this or not?" I asked.

He sighed and handed over the money.

"Thank you for coming sir." I smiled politely and handed him his purchase in a bag. "Next please."

He shuffled off looking defeated. Ten minuets later he was back with another item to purchase.

"I told you I don't have time to talk." I sighed.

"If you have a drink with me after work I'll tell you everything." he grinned.

"You know exactly how to get me." I smiled. "Ok. I finish in an hour."

"Yes! Finally!" he laughed.

He slapped some money on the counter, took his book and almost skipped out of the shop. I laughed at his happiness and turned to the next customer.

"Would you like to go for a drink with me?" the teenage boy asked.

"No." I chuckled. "I don't date customers. He's a... umm... a friend."

I suppose he is a friend. A little bit strange, but my friend now.

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