Chapter 21: The Prolonged Plot

Start from the beginning

"We do too," interrupted Duncan.

"We know that they built secret passageways underground," began Isadora.

"We know that they had a schism, separating them into the noble and evil sides."

"We know that they use a spyglass, that has several uses."

"We know that Anwhistle Aquatics was a marine research center and rhetorical advice for V.F.D."

"We also know that Count Olaf's tattoo spells out the letters V.F.D."

"Wait," Duncan paused. "Our first guardian, Ms. Adria, had an elevator, which had the V.F.D. sign on it."

"Was she a member of V.F.D.?"

"She could've been," interrupted Quigley, "But I don't know whether she was noble or evil."

"We do," stated Isadora.

"Asides from mistaking me with you, Quigley, she never did anything to upset us."

"She even had a fascinating collection of plants," smiled Isadora, but her smiled disapeared quite quickly at the memory of how she died.

"What's wrong?" asked Quigley when he noticed the sad expression on Isadora's face.

Duncan decided to explain on her behalf. "She died from one of her plant's poison, the Wolfsbane."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," assured Isadora. "Where were you?"

"Jacques Snicket," said Quigley. "He left one day for an interview in Paltryville, but he never came back. I decided to take down as many notes on V.F.D. as I could in a commonplace book I started to pass the time. I waited for Jacques, but he never came back."

"So what did you do then?" asked Duncan.

"Two events occurred that prevented me from staying put. The first, was finding out that you two were kidnapped and the second," Quigley paused for a moment, but he continued soon after. "I smelled smoke. Someone had thrown a torch into the library, starting a fire in the house. I had to escape, but I could only think of one place to go to."

"Where?" Isadora questioned.

"Paltryville. I thought maybe I could find Jacques, and that he could help me find you. I found Paltryville on that atlas and went on foot, so that I don't get an enemy for a driver. When I was finally there, I spotted a building with V.F.D.'s sign. I chose to believe that it was a safe place to go. Count Olaf was disguise as a receptionist there, but when I went, the office was deserted. It was an optimist's office. Jacques had been there. I knew that from his handwritten notes that were left at the office. Thanks to his notes and all the books I've read, I learned where V.F.D. headquarters was."

"The one on Mortmain Mountains?" Duncan asked.

Quigley nodded and Isadora added to Duncan's statement. "We read about it in The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations."

"Right," began Duncan. "Continue, Quigley."

"I set off to find it, figuring that V.F.D. was the best hope of finding you two. "I had this backpack that Jacques left behind, with the Verdant Flammable Devices and a few other items, and I had my commonplace book. Eventually, I ran into a group of Snow Scouts, and realized that hiding among them would be the quickest way to reach Mount Fraught. When I reached V.F.D.'s headquarters through a Vertical Frame Diversion and Vernacularly Fastened Door, I learned from the Baudelaires that Jacques Snicket had died."

"You've met the Baudelaires?" Isadora eyes widened.

"They were the ones that rescued us from an angry mob, Count Olaf, and Esme Squalor," Duncan explained.

"I know. They told me that too. I helped them save Sunny, who was captured by Count Olaf. We were able to climb a frozen waterfall thanks to one of Violet's brilliant inventions. We also found out that a woman with hair but no beard and a man with a beard but no hair were planning to orphan many children and get ahold of their fortunes. Sunny wanted to spy on them, so we left her there. Eventually Esme found us. We decided to hold her captive to retrieve Sunny, but she tricked us. We ended up escaping, but that was when I was separated from Violet, Klaus, and Sunny. I said I'd meet them at the Last Safe Place on Thursday but, I got word about where you are, and I knew they would understand if I chose to come find you instead."

"The Last Safe Place?" Isadora queried.

"Klaus cracked a few codes while Violet and I went to find Sunny. He figured out that V.F.D. would've probably hid something in a fridge to protect it from the fire as they would've had no time to unlock a safe. He was right. After cracking a few more codes with the help of a book, we found out that all of V.F.D. is meeting at the Last Safe Place on Thursday."

"So did you find out where the Last Safe Place is?" Duncan asked.

"I did. After I was separated from the Baudelaires, I found my way to Mr. Poe's office at Mulctuary Money Management. He was of no help whatsoever, but Kit Snicket was. She informed me that," Quigley leaned in closer and whispered, "The Hotel Denouement," he then backed away and spoke in an ordinary voice, "Is the Last Safe Place. She then set off to find the Baudelaires and help them find their way to the Last Safe Place too. I assume they are there right now."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Isadora questioned in excitement. "Let's go find the Baudelaires."

"Hector!" Duncan called. "Will you please come here?" 

The triplets stood up as Hector approached them.

Quigley seemed quizzical, but his expression turned to happiness soon after Duncan and Isadora's explanations. 

"This," began Isadora, "Is Hector."

"Hector," added Duncan, "This is our triplet brother. He survived the fire."

"I'm really glad to meet you. I didn't know you two had another brother."

"They do," Quigley assured. "It's a pleasure to meet you. What role do you play in my siblings' lives, if I may ask?"

Hector looked a little confused, but Isadora took over.

"He was the handyman at the Village of Fowl Devotees. Hector was the Baudelaires' guardian for a while until we escaped in this hot air mobile home, which he built. If it weren't for his invention, we wouldn't have escaped Count Olaf's clutches."

"Thank you, Hector, for helping out my siblings," thanked Quigley.

"It's no problem," replied Hector, "Duncan and Isadora are great company."

"Isadora," began Duncan, "Let's show Quigley the lower level of the self-sustaining hot air mobile home."

"Good idea."

"Hector," Quigley said, "Would you mind sailing this air ship to the Hotel Denouement?"

"Not at all, but I don't know how to get there."

"Then it's your lucky day, because while studying Dr. Montgomery's atlas, I found that hotel. Out of boredom, I created a map. I think I still have it," Quigley reached into his pocket and found his map. "There it is." He handed Hector the map and followed his triplet siblings to the entrance basket.

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