"Hopefully he's still not mad at me." [She thought as she debated on opening the door, going over the pros and cons in her mind. She was often impulsive, but when she had thought for a second longer than impulse, she rather overthought things. Scarlette sat on the stairs of the restaurant figuring what to do- to her right she could see her old friends frolicking happily and chatting about the hang out plans for the rest of the weekend. Even though she resented her old friends now- due to obvious past events that included physical and verbal fights -she almost missed being a part of the group. Riding on the back on the motorbikes on the way to crazy parties, 'intensely' battling Johnny in air hockey at Golf and Stuff, Scarlette felt like Cobra Kai had 'saved' her when she went into late middle school/early high school. But was it the Cobra Kai lessons? Or was it the friends that came along with it? She had also always kind of liked Johnny, but it didn't seem to her that he shared the same feelings so she never tried to get any closer with him than just best friends- besides, she really believes that he loves Ali and that he always had. Presently, as Scarlette was watching her ex-pals finally head home, the door behind her opens and Daniel steps out of the restaurant]

"Oh, hey Scarlette," [Daniel thought he should act like their argument yesterday hadn't ever occurred. It just seemed like the best path to go, as he was confused about it overall] "W-what're you doing here?" [He asked as he scratched the back of his head, then putting his hand son his hips as he awaited her response]

"Oh I-" [Scarlette stands up suddenly and turns to Daniel, she picks up on his tactic to pretend nothing had happened the day before- and although she was normally stubborn and would refuse to 'forgetta bout it', the previous event on her way out of the dojo lead her to just moving on] "I just got back from karate." [She replied softly as she pushed her curtain bangs from her view] "What're you doing here?" [Scarlette stood up and tilted her head, putting her hands in her pockets]

"Eating dinner with my mom, she works here." [Daniel replied, stepping down the stairs a bit to become closer to Scarlette, she nods slowly]

"Well, do you want to walk home with me?"

"Yeah actually." [He scratches his neck bashfully, glad that they were back to normal. Scarlette scurries down the small staircase and turns to Daniel as he leans on the railing. Scarlette's reddish brown hair shimmered as the sun was going down and the sky was a lovely shade of orange. She smiles, making Daniel smile bigger back. He's looking at her passionately, admiring her 'beauty']

"Why are you looking at me like that?" [Scarlette's face reddens a little as she smirks and tilts her head again- Daniel blushes harder than she]

"I was just- thinking" [Daniel cannot come up with a great excuse, his obviousness makes Scarlette's smirk become a large smile]

"Ok, karate kid" [She laughs] "C'mon. Let's go!" [She says pretending to be annoyed with a fake pout. Daniel nods and steps down the stairs, walking beside Scarlette. Along the way, they chat and joke, as usual. It's getting quite dark outside as they near Reseda]

"Remember the first day we met?"

"Yeah, like a month ago." [She laughs- has it really been that recent? She felt that she'd known Daniel for ages]

"Remember when I beat you when we raced to the beach?"

"I can change that, karate kid."

"Oh can you?" [He tilts his head, smirking. Scarlette looks at him competitively with her eyebrows pointed]

"Hell yeah." [She just a bit walks faster, Daniel follows. They both begin to jog, then run. They approach the gate to Reseda closer and closer- Scarlette sprints as hard as she can but Daniel still leads. They eventually arrive beside each other]

"It's a tie." [Daniel says, he pants a little]

"I don't know, Larusso, I might've been a little bit ahead." [She joked, also catching her breath]

"Yeah, sure." [He remarks sarcastically. Scarlette opens the gate, holding it for Daniel]

"Ladies first."

"Oh, you're soo funny-" [Daniel remarks sarcastically trailing off into both him and Scarlette laughing together. They walk up the stairs together, Mr. Miyagi steps out of apartment 1-d, holding his box of tools. He looks over at the two teenagers and nods]

"Hello Daniel-San, Scarlette-San." [The old man bowed as he greeted the two, Scarlette became much less happy looking than just a moment before she saw the Okinawan man. But, Daniel remained upbeat]

"Hello Mr. Miyagi!" [Daniel waves kindly, Scarlette awkwardly bows back to the old man then leans onto a wall]

"Hello, Mr. Miyagi." [She said in a low tone, looking at her sneakers instead of making eye-contact with the man before her]

"Scarlette-San, are you well?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." [She lifts her head a bit] "A-are you well?"

"Ai." [The old man nods and steps down the stairs as he opens the door to his office]

"Bye Mr. Miyagi!"

"Goodnight, Daniel-San." [Mr. Miyagi smiles and waves goodbye to two teenagers as he closes the office door behind him, sighing then moving onto his work. Daniel then turns back over to Scarlette, Daniel Larusso wishes to ask why she was at first cold towards the old man- but the last time he had, they argued]

"So, will I see you tomorrow?" [Daniel leans his hand against the wall that Scarlette leant on. Scarlette bored her lip to hid her smile, he was so close to her]

"Yeah, goodnight' Daniel." [Scarlette steps a few and opens the door to her apartment. He continues to look at her they way he had earlier- hes been caught again] "Are you, 'thinking' again?"

"W-well I- uh-" [Daniel scratches his head bashfully, trying to come up with another excuse. His face is red- he is interrupted by Scarlette's laughter]

"Goodnight, Daniel."

"Goodnight." [Scarlette's laugh fell into a large smile. Daniel smiled back at the girl who then closes the door]

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