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--playing Desire by Gang of Four--

[Daniel stands outside of the Encino Oaks country club, awaiting his girlfriend for their date. It was quite dark out, but Daniel could make out the figure of Scarlette Sevem also waiting for her date. Scarlette glances at her Casio watch as she awkwardly stands beside Daniel. She wore a white crop top and loose jeans- with her jacket jacket on top of course. Scarlette impatiently taps her foot, Johnny and Ali were late and Scarlette didn't want to have to be alone with Daniel because of the bad terms they were currently on]

"Y-you look nice." [Daniel speaks the truth and breaks the silence and startles Scarlette, she really didn't expect him to say anything after how long they hadn't been speaking. He really did believe she looked pretty tonight]

"Thanks." [She blankly responds- not even looking Daniel in the eye. She glances over at him- she thought he looked good too]

"What time is it?" [Daniel asks with his hands in the pockets of his red jacket]

"It's late. 9:45." [She squints at her watch again] "I wonder what the hell is taking so damn long."

"Calm down, I'm sure they'll be out in a second. Be patient" [Daniel reassures Scarlette and takes his hands out of his pockets. Scarlette raises her eyebrow]

"Daniel wasn't much for patience before." [She thinks to herself] "Where did that come from, Daniel? Mr. Miyagi taught you patience?" [She asks aloud]

"I guess you could say that.." [Daniel remembers what Mr. Miyagi had said about Scarlette, she was impatient, stubborn and angry. But still Daniel was drawn to her] "But you are right, they're taking a while in there." [He agrees- Scarlette nods]

"How's Miyagi-Do been to you?" [She finally looks over at her old friend and into his deep brown eyes, he smiles]

"Great, he had me balance on a rowboat on one foot the other day." [He laughs, Scarlette smiles- she remembers her Miyagi-Do days]

"Sounds like Mr. Miyagi- did you do it?"

"Yeah, until he shook the boat and I fell in the lake." [The two laugh]

"That also sounds like him." [She smiles]

"How's Johnny?" [Scarlett's smile fades, she wasn't super into Johnny, it just felt like it was where she was supposed to be]

"He's fine." [She shrugs- her tone is blank again] "How's Ali?"

"She's fine." [Daniel did really like Ali- but Scarlette also made him swoon. He sometimes even felt that he liked Scarlette even more]

"I bet- you're dating the 'hottest girl in school', Larusso." [She paces the floors momentarily]

"Well you're dating the 'hottest guy in school'." [Daniel puts his hands back in his pockets and looks at the ground. Scarlette shakes her head]

"It's not really like that-" [She looks back up at him and raises her voice only to be interrupted]

"Well if not that then the 'biggest bully in school'" [He crosses his arms and begins to yell. Scarlette clamps her teeth and yells back]

"Daniel you started it- when he and the guys jumped you, you started that!" [She points her finger in his face and yells back. Danie shakes his head, Scarlette still doesn't know the truth about 'the bike accident']

"Is that what your boyfriend told you? Wouldn't you like to know the truth!" [Daniel continues to yell and wave his hands around angrily. Scarlette shakes her head back]

"The truth is that even after I punched Johnny to protect you- Y-you were hiding from him- and from me- because you were scared!"

[Daniel shakes his head again] "That's not it, Scarlette!-"

"Tell me the truth then, karate kid! Enlighten me!" [Daniel's shoulders drop and so does his head- shaking it again. He puts both hands through his hair and holding his head. He begins to walk past Scarlette]

"I'm done with this, I'm gonna find Ali." [Daniel waves his hand and stomps over to the back kitchen entrance of the country club. Scarlette rolls her eyes and angrily catches up to him]

"Not so patient, huh?" [The angry Scarlette remarks as they both enter the kitchen and walk over to the door to enter the ballroom where they see Ali and Johnny dancing with each other] "What the fuck-" [Scarlette's eyebrows fall as she walks closer to the door preparing to open it and have a talk with her boyfriend. Daniel is visible to Johnny in the small square window, while Scarlette watches from afar, unseen. Johnny smirks as he sees his rival watch him kiss Ali forcefully. Ali pulls away from the kiss, she cannot believe what had just happened. And neither can Scarlette or Daniel]

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" [Ali looks over as the kitchen door slams open and Daniel lays on the dirty floor being laughed at by the rich partygoers. His white shirt and pants are covered in spaghetti as he sits. Scarlette rushes over to Daniel to assist him up, despite their current bad terms. She grabs his arms and helps him up and watches as he runs off. Johnny was laughing so hard, he didn't see Scarlette standing in the doorway. She turns around to catch up to Daniel in a run. She cared more about him than her relationship with Johnny, she knew that now more than she ever had. Daniel makes it back to the front of the country club- he stops and looks at his reflection in the nearby glass window. He groans]

"God damnit!" [He tries to wipe the pasta sauce off of him but the stain would need more care than just his swift hand. He puts his head in his hands then his hair- when Scarlette catches up to him]

"Daniel! Are you alright?"

"Why do you care? We're done, remember?"

"But Daniel-"

"Just leave me alone, I just wanna be alone!"

"I just got cheated on too, Daniel! You're not the only one who gets screwed over!"

"Yeah but I'm the one who gets his ass kicked-"

"You started it-"

"No! Johnny jumped me the night after you punched him in the face! They freaking pushed me off a steep hill when I was riding my bike home!" [Daniel yells louder than he ever has. Daniel had bottled up this truth for a long time, he hadn't told anyone but his mother and Mr. Miyagi. It should feel good to let it go- but the shock on Scarlette's face makes him feel worse for telling]

"W-what?" [She covers her mouth and can't help but let go of her tears. So shocked that she couldn't help but continue to cry, so she cries- Daniel hugs her tightly] "I'm so sorry, Daniel."

"I know, it's gonna be ok, Scarlette." [Daniel continues to hold her closely as she cries] 

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