And it Spins

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Spin is an old Zeppeli technique that applies Hamon onto an object giving it a perfect rotation (AN: I know that's not how it works in the manga, but every universe has its own neat things); using his stand, he could create a perfect sphere giving more power to the spin. Alex tried to feel his legs. Nothing. It would take a few moments for 'Buttercup' to fully heal him. But Lubo didn't have a few moments. Lubo was visibly tired from the pummelling. Lubo would have to move out of the way before Alex could throw his ball. It had started as a fight between equals but had devolved into a one-sided beat down. 'Gas Mask' began to break as 'Speed Queen' continued her attack. Alex willed his legs to move with every fiber of his body; he couldn't let anyone else die because of that wicked woman. He had 'Buttercup' grab shards of rock debris and threw them at 'Speed Queen,' transmuting them midair into sharp needles. They hit Elisia's arm, immobilizing her arm for a few seconds, giving Lubo an opening to strike. Elisia blurred and punched Lubo's chest, sending him flying right at Alex. Alex broke the ground underneath himself to dodge Lubo's flying body. When Lubo passed by Alex, he patched him up with nearby stone as quickly as possible, buying Lubo more time.Alex touched the ground, narrow rectangles burst forth, blocking Elisia's view, but shattering when they went too close. He rushed towards Elisia, spinning ball in hand, as she ran towards him as well. He throws the ball at the ground, warping it, trapping Elisia on the floor. He jumps over Elisia and tosses a second ball at her head. The air warps as 'Speed Queen' activates, and she disappears. He looked above him, and she was there. Her stand ability puzzled him, but he didn't need to know it to stay alive. 'Speed Queen' sends another barrage towards him. Alex applied spin on himself and warps himself into a spiral, making Elisia miss him. She lands at the same time he does, and they stand there, looking at each other, for a few moments to catch their breath. 

"You just have one funny trick after another, don't you?"

"Shut up and stay still."

"Why so Lubo can surprise attack me?"

She warps as Lubo jumps at her and swings again.

Lubo laid on the rock. He doesn't want to get back up. 'Gas Mask' 's ability can null his pain. That ability had helped Lubo with multiple situations, but it failed him in this fight. It doesn't matter how little pain he feels if he has a hole in his chest. He wants to lay there and quietly accept his death. Alex used a nearby rock to patch his wounds, but Lubo knew it wouldn't last longer than a few hours. He then remembered his younger brother. He sees Alex use the technique taught to him by the family he hated. He remembered Jody taking a knife to the chest. Everyone at the colosseum was pushing themselves; it wouldn't be fair of him to quietly accept his death. He had to seize his last few moments. He gave himself a goal to accomplish before he died. He would find out Elisia's stand ability. He knew she was too strong for him to face for an extended amount of time, but he was already dead. The least he could do was help Alex in that way. He struggled up and tried to ignore the black spots in his vision. He ran at Elisia and brought out 'Gas Mask.' As long as he minded his head, he should be fine. He swung, and just as he expected, Elisia warped. Elisia appeared again about 5 feet away, clapping. "It's a show to see vermin try to die faster and more painfully. Your efforts are MUDA DA MUDA!" She says as she saunters towards Lubo. Blood drips down Lubo's beard as he shouts at Elisia, "Bring out your 'Speed Queen,' I'll kill you right here!". 'Gas Mask' appears behind him as he braces for the final exchange. 'Speed Queen' emerges as they march towards each other. Their fist smash with so much force that the air ripples. She disappears and appears behind him. 'Have you figured it out yet? My ability? Because you are out of time," 'Speed Queen' brings its hand down and breaks Lubo's shoulder, reopening his chest wound. "Your ability..." He tries to gasp for breath. Still, none comes, "Your ability is to leap forward and back in time! That's how you know what we are going to do and why you disappear when you use it!" Elisia's eyes widen. She moves her face closer to Lubo. "You know you've just signed your friend's death contract? He can't leave alive now,""He told me about your stand ability, now it's my job to get out of here," Alex said as he broke the top layer of the floor. Elisia had Speed Queen powderized all of the pieces in her way, but the pieces started to rise. Alex stepped on them and started walking on them, getting higher in the air. Elisia looks around in desperation; she gets a few pebbles in her hand and throws them at Alex as a spread shot. Alex just could watch as a barrage of stone got closer and closer. Lubo heard a warp, and all of the rocks except 3 had passed Alex, and he was unharmed. The 3 rocks hit his chest, and he fell to the ground, about 7 feet. Elisia was shaking; she looked behind her, and The Boss and Bruno stood there. Lubo collapsed as Elisia shifted her attention to The Boss of Passione. His head spins as he loses feeling in his arm. The black spots in his vision get larger as he starts to panic. He was actually dying. He didn't think this through at all. But then again, isn't acting without thinking show your true nature? In his opinion, he felt as his life fleeted, it does. He calms down and looks up. "At least I didn't die a pointless death," He murmurs to no one in particular. He reaches up to the crimson sky as the sun rises, "I'll see you soon enough, little brother," he says as he fades.

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