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Tony's POV

I can't believe I'm going to have a teenager as my Personal Intern or whatever. Hopefully this kid is really smart. I can't work with someone that won't even know or have basic Engineering Skills.

I should have just gone to that meeting and avoided all of this. But it's always the same old stuff. Old People just bickering about wanting money and needing it.

"Boss, Ms. Potts would like you in her office." Friday says as I'm working on this equation that I'm trying to solve.

"Tell her I'll be right there"

"Yes Sir"

I sigh with frustration. This stupid equation. Maybe I do need some sleep. I get up off my chair and walk towards the elevator. Hopefully she won't yell at me more.

As I make it to her office she hands me some papers.

"This is Peter Parker. You're Personal Intern. He is 15 Years Old and a Sophomore at Midtown High School in Queens. The rest of his information is in here and he starts next week Monday. He will work with you Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. You're free to go." She says kissing my cheek and pushing me out the door. At least she's not that mad at me anymore.

"Hey Friday search up this kid for me and see if he will be a threat."

"On it Boss" she says and pauses for 5 seconds. "Peter Benjamin Parker is not a threat" Friday says with some sort of emotion. That's a first.

"Thanks Fri"

I make my way back to the lab and look at the kids file. Good student, AP classes, got into the School by Scholarship, Honor Roll, Debate Team, speaks English and Spanish, and knows sign language. Seems like a good kid. I just hope he isn't a snob.

Peter's POV

Not a lot happened while I was on Patrol. I stopped some robberies, muggers, and helped an old lady. She gave me a churro. That churro was the best I've ever had in my whole life. Too bad my fast metabolism annihilated that poor tasty churro.

I swung back into my apartment and put on my regular clothes. I went to go take a nice warm shower and I thought I was going to have to shave but it was just dirt. Stupid baby face.

I went to my room and got changed. I won't see Aunt May until tomorrow morning so might as well go to sleep now. I checked the time 11:45 PM. Oh wow it's that's late. I should make something to eat. I took out 10 eggs that I keep hidden around the house and scrambled them. When I was finally done cooking the eggs I got some orange juice and began to eat. Once I was done I was a little full. At least my stomach won't be trying to eat itself for now.

I waited for my food to come down and brushed my teeth. I made my way to bed and snuggled up in my blanket. Hopefully tomorrow is another good day.

*Insert Annoying Alarm Noise*

I did my same old daily morning routine. Shower, change, eat, clean, brush your teeth and head to school. I think today is going to be a normal day. I took the train and made it to school on time. I hung out with Ned and MJ. Got made fun of by Flash but better me then anyone else. Until last period.

I was called into the Principal's office. Did I do something wrong? No. I'm a good child I haven't done anything wrong.

"Did I do something wrong Mr. Harrington?"

"Oh God no Peter no you didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to tell you some good news. " he said in a calm voice. Oh thank Einstein I'm not in trouble. Wait- Good news?

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