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3rd Person POV

Tony Stark knew that it was going to be a long and tricky process trying to get Peter's memories back. Knowing that Hydra was back at it again and that they were the ones that took his son enraged him. He wants nothing more than to get his revenge but the one thing he wants more is for his son to get his memories back.

Peter was currently asleep in his fathers arms. Tony was wide awake. He was playing with his sons hair and keeping him asleep. With all that was going on and what he would have to go through to get his memories back, the least he could do is let him sleep for as long as he could.

After 5 hours, Peter finally started waking up. It was 12:04 PM. "Morning Sleepyhead" Tony said as he ruffled the kids curls. "Morning Dad" Peter said half asleep. Tony knew that Peter hadn't realized what he had just said but still took it as a win. It was progress. "You still have to stay in bed for a little. Bruce wants to make sure that you're completely fine" Tony said as he helped Peter sit up.

"Oh okay... can I see Aunt May?" Peter replied. Tony was a little unsure but would do anything for his some to be comfortable. Even though it hurt that his some grew up without him, he wanted to meet the woman that raised a kind soul. "How does next week sound?" Tony asked.

Peter really wanted to see his Aunt May but knew it was better not to push it. He knows that his father wants to spend more time with him. "Sounds great" Peter said. Peter's stomach grumbled and Tony was quick to laugh. "Sounds like someone's hungry" Tony said through a chuckle. Peter hid his face in his hands to hide his embarrassment.

"Hey Fri, what's Spangles making for breakfast?" Tony asked his A.I. "Mr. Rogers is currently making French toast, pancakes, toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausages." Tony was about to ask if the kid wanted what Steve was cooking but Peter's stomach answered for him.

"Tell Spangles to bring some food down for Peter" Mr. Stark ordered his A.I. "Steve Rogers has been informed and is currently on his way down with breakfast." Friday said.

Peter was nervous. How was he supposed to eat and fill up his stomach? Whatever his Uncle Steve was going to give him was definitely not going to satisfy us hunger. He would have to consume the same amount his Uncle has to eat.

As Peter was stuck in his thoughts he didn't even realize that his father was talking to him. "Hellooo, Earth to Peter" Tony said. "What? Oh uhm sorry I was lost in a thought" Peter replied.

Tony's face was quick to form a frown. "Are you feeling okay kid? Does anything hurt? Is it a memory?" Tony asked with concern laced in his voice. Peter was quick to ramble off on how he's totally fine and that he shouldn't worry.

Tony was about to say something until a tall blonde with a cart filled with food came knocking. "Room Service" the blonde jokingly said. Peter's stomach rumbled again which caught his Uncle by surprise.

"Seems like someone's hungry" Steve joked as he put the breakfast bed tray on Peter. "I don't know if you like the same thing you used to, so I got you a lot of everything" Steve said while trying to hide his embarrassment on how overboard he had gone with the food.

"I still put my French Toast on top of my Toast and eat it like a sandwich " Peter said as he was about to shove a whole pancake in his mouth. Steve hadn't even noticed because he was deciding on what to put on Peter's breakfast tray. "Jeez kid chew your food" Tony joked. He was secretly panicking because he didn't know if that was normal for a teenage boy.

Peter gave a muffled apology since he had bacon, eggs, and a full pancake in his mouth. That caught Steve and Tony by surprise. Peter knew that he was bound to get caught since he was eating so much, but he didn't care. He was starving, and it was as if he couldn't control himself.

Steve kept on putting plates and plates of food on his tray and Peter just kept on eating and eating. He had downed 5 orange juices, eaten 15 pancakes, 5 plates of scrambled eggs, a lot of bacon, and 20 French toasts. Peter hadn't even realized he ate almost everything until he was full.

Steve and Tony were extremely worried. That was definitely not normal for a 15-year-old. Peter looked at their faces and mentally cursed at himself. Then Dr. Strange knocked on the door. "I made a serum that will bring his memories back"

"Saved by the Strange" Peter thought to himself. "It looks like he has eaten, so he can take the serum now" Strange said. Tony and Steve decided to ask Peter about all his eating later. Now was time for Peter to get his memories back.

In the next 10 minutes everyone was in the Med bay.
"Are you ready kiddo?" Tony asked his son. "Ready as I'll ever be" Peter whispered. Peter slowly brought the spoon to his mouth. This was it. This was the moment he would get all his memories back and remember everyone.

Peter put the serum in his mouth and swallowed. The taste was horrible. Peter cringed at the taste. Then it all went black. All he could hear were muffled voices. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME HE WOULD PASS OUT" Tony yelled at Strange.

"YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LET ME DO IT IF YOU KNEW" Strange yelled back trying to defend himself.
"WELL NO SHIT" Tony yelled while combing his hand through his hair. Natasha and Pepper were close to killing Strange. He should have told them.

"When is he going to wake up?" Tony asked trying to calm himself down. "In a few" Strange replied.
Peter was currently in his kind remembering everything. Every horrible memory and every good memory. However, pain was all he felt. With his spider senses dialing everything up to 11 it hurt him a lot.

"Dad?" Peter said his voice sound hoarse.

A/N: very sorry but I have to leave it like this for now because hair is about to go down in the next chapter(sometimes I forget I write a fanfic). I'm so excited for y'all to read it. Make sure to leave a vote so other people can find this amazing book :D

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