Chapter 13

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~ Chapter 13 ~

~ Dazai P.O.V ~

Y/n...Y/n...I kept thinking about her. Since the last time she and Chuuya fought I have been feeling this sort of uneasiness for her. I always want to see her smile and every time we joke it makes me feel warm inside. She had this way of making me feel good and calm around her.

She was caring towards me and that made me feel nice. Chuuya was always around though and he would also joke with her. I didn't like it but I didn't know what this feeling was. I didn't want her to joke the same way she did with me with other people. But obviously I couldn't tell her that or would just come off as weird.

She would be so cool when she would use her ability, I could never take my eyes off her. She became an addiction for me. Something I needed, something I wanted. Y/n would never demand things of us. Instead she went with whatever we said. That made her seem even cuter.

~ Chuuya P.O.V ~

Y/n and me have been getting closer since the argument we last had. I was angry that I had to take responsibility over someone who was acting like a literal child. I didn't want to take care of no kids. But when I saw the look on her face when I called her parents 'weak' I instantly regretted it. I tried my best to make things right after that.

And it has been going well because it's not awkward anymore. Sure we still argue but it feels nice to see her mad sometimes. She looks...cute?! What am I thinking she is just a partner! But I have to admit she does look p-pretty.

I had this tint of pink in my cheeks. I was laying in my bed just thinking about her nonstop. I got to the point where I got mad every time I thought about her. It frustrated me because I was unfamiliar with the way I was feeling. I didn't know what this feeling was and that made me mad.

~ Reader P.O.V ~

I was walking around the building when I suddenly heard some like groans. I turned to see who it was and to my surprise it was a guy. He looked young. I would say around my age maybe even a year older. I saw him limping and struggling to walk. I walked up to him and asked him, "hey are you alright? Do you need help to walk?" He looked up and asked me like any other person would, "who are you? Wait are you the new girl that Mori let in the mafia?" He looked a bit disappointed. I just nodded my head yes to respond.

I looked at him. He wore a green jacket and had red hair. He looked like a 5 year old that thought he was cool just because he got into trouble a lot. To be honest he didn't look ugly...he was average. "Ummm what's your name?"

"What's yours?" He sort of chuckled. It made me blush a bit and I looked to the floor while answering. "My name is Y/n. Now your name." I was curious about his name. "My name is Tachihara. Now can you help me? We just came back from a mission so I got kinda hurt." I saw where the wound was. It was in the rib so it looked bad and that's why he wasn't able to walk right.

"Sure um what do you want me to do? Do you want me to hold you up and take you to your room?" I was confused about what exactly he wanted me to help him with and I didn't want it to become awkward so I asked him if those things were fine.

"Yeah that is good for me." And with that he put his arm around my shoulder and started to lead the way.

7 minutes passed like that when I saw Dazia and Chuuya coming our way. They were talking about something because they didn't notice we were in front of them. They bumped into me which made me step back a bit, hurting Tachihara. He groaned at the pain, and that;s when we caught Dazai and Chuuya's attention.

"Hey both of you. Did you guys not see us?" I smiled at them since I was already very comfortable with them. But they just looked mad at me. I was shocked at this reaction since I didn't think they would get that mad for just bumping into me.

"Umm I'm sorry don't be mad I really didn't want to bump into you guys but Tachihara is hurt and I am-" I was cut off by Chuuya saying, "let her go." He pulled me away from Tachihara. Tachihara just grabbed his wound and groaned louder. I looked at Dazai for some sort of explanation. He smiled and all he said, "why were you letting Tachihara hug you, Y/n?"

I looked at him with a confused face. " Tachihara wasn't huggin me. He is hurt and I was just helping him get to his room. And maybe help him with his wound, if he needed help with that too. That's all." I was going to help him because I thought we could have become friends. I mean I did want more friends other than Chuuya, Dazai, and Elise. I mean that kind was one of the reasons why I joined the Port Mafia.

I walked up to Tachihara and said, "sorry I think I won't be able to help you out this time but I can help you out if you ever need something. Ok?! But can i have your number first?" I handed my phone to him to see if he would give it to me and to my luck he did. He smiled at me when he handed it back.

"Well pretty lady then this is a goodbye,for now." He grabbed my hand and put a gentle kiss on it. I was blushing like crazy. I suddenly got pulled back roughly. Two hands on my shoulders, and see that it is Dazai.

"No your place, Tachihara" and with that we left.

[Mafia Love] Chuuya x reader x DazaiWhere stories live. Discover now