Chapter 3

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Finn's POV

I made it past the grounders easily, they're not looking for someone who's escaping camp, they're all eyes and ears on the gates to camp waiting for the others to hand me over. I walk through the forest with only one place in mind, 'The Art Supply Store.' The grounders don't know about it, no one really knows about it, only the few of us who took the grounder who had Clarke's watch, and of course, Clarke. The only reason I'm even running away is to keep her safe, to keep Clarke safe.

I approach the metal hatch covered by leaves and I pull it up, crawling down the ladder and landing with a thump on the hard cement floor. I drop my pack and walk over to the old couch that sits against the left wall, flopping onto it. I lay, staring at the ceiling just thinking. thinking about my family who is gone, my new family from the 100, the grounders, and everything I have done on the ground, who I've become on the ground. Who we are and who we need to be in order to survive are very different things, I remember hearing Bellamy say that to Clarke, I used to believe it but lately I have been thinking that maybe, we are those dark people, all along we are killers, but it's only in those tough situations that we really dig deep and become that killer, that monster, we become who we truly are.

I feel my eyelids get heavy so I grab a balled up blanket off the floor and drape it over me. Its been weeks since the night that Clarke and I were here, when she told me I wasn't alone, since we kissed, but the blanket still smells like her. I pull the old blanket up around my face and breathe her in as I fall asleep.

I know that this was a short chapter and I'm sorry but I was just giving you a little sneak peek to tell you Finn is okay...for now ;) Thank y'all for over 100 reads!!! (see what I did there, 100 hehehe) Anyway, like/comment/follow! Love you all ;*

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