Suddenly Draco exited from one of the side rooms.

"There you are mate, what're you doing sneaking around?" Blaise asked.

"Oh, nothing. I've got some business to attend to, that's all," he said shortly, trudging up the stairs.

"Liar," I muttered.

"Mind your own business, Cliffdane," he scoffed, walking up the stairs and slamming the door.

Potter sent me a look from across the room.

"You two are still on shit terms I see," Naevah sipped her butterbeer, wiping the foam off her top lip with her sleeve.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said quietly, diverting my eyes to my hands.

"Understandable, considering he left you after-"

"Blaise, knock it off," Daph kicked him under the table.


"What're they doing?" I pointed, Slughorn standing over Potter, Granger and Weasley.

"Dunno," Theodore answered, "I can't imagine why Slughorn would actually like them."

"They're Gryffindors. Of course he likes them," Blaise butted in.

"He was a Slytherin himself, I don't get it," I sighed.

He began to walk over to our table.

"Oh bloody hell," Pansy muttered.

"I'd like to invite you two to my Christmas Party the evening of the 20th of December, if you'd be interested," he smiled at the Zabini twins.

"Oh- um, we'd love to sir," Naevah flashed him one of her cute smiles. 'Hufflepuff smiles', we called them.

"Great! Wait for my owl," he walked off, exiting the restaurant to converse with some of the neighbors.

"Everyone's about done, I say we get going," Theo stood, throwing his coat over his shoulders.

The grounds were covered in snow as we trudged back up the pathway, the trio following shortly behind us.

"Katie, you don't know what it could be," one of the two girls in front of us talking to the other, who was carrying a brown paper package, wrapped loosely over a black box.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing," she smiled, unwrapping the contents.

"What're they on about?" Daph asked, shaking snow off of her expensive faux fur boots.

"No idea-"

A shrill scream cut off my sentence as I flinched into Daphne's grasp, everyone staring in awe as the golden trio ran up to us.

"I warned her, I warned her not to touch it," the girl yelled, the girl I could now recognize as Katie bell sprawled out on the freezing ground, shaking violently.

"What did you do?" Granger yelled at us, Harry holding her back.

"Us?! We didn't bloody do anything, you git-" our fighting was cut off as Katie flew into the air, her body floating as she pummeled back to the ground from a ten foot drop.

I was still recovering from the scream, my eyes squeezed shut as Daphne pulled me into a hug.

"Shh, you're alright May, just breathe, you're gonna be fine," she breathed, her mouth gaped open as the trio approached the package.

"Don't get any closer, get back, all of you," Hagrid appeared, pushing past us as he took Katie's limp body into his arms.

"Do not touch that, except for the wrappins', do ya understand?" he warned Harry, who nodded in response.

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