How You See Me || Petekey

Start from the beginning

"Hello, my name is Mikey." He extended his hand.

I took it dumbfoundedly - he was smoking hot. His hair peaked out from under his beanie like feathers in the wind. From behind his glasses, I could see that his eyes were hazel, but the colors were fighting for dominance. It's like they were dancing along to the fastest song they could manage, both always trying to look better than the other. He looked up for a second and his jaw line was sharp enough to cut a bitch. To me, though I'm only seeing him for the first time, Mikey is beautiful. 

I realized I was staring at him, and looking away I blushed. "Sorry, I'm Pete."

Mikey and I made eye contact and we both laughed. 

We got lost in the sands of time talking about nothing and everything. I realized by the way we clicked immediately that Mikey could've - and hopefully would've - be a good friend of mine. I like the way he acted and reacted to things. 

After what seemed like hours, Mikey got up and walked away.

The bell did not ring again. 

I sat confused for a few seconds before I felt arms wrap around my shoulders. I tensed up until Mikey's words whispered in my ear: "All you gotta do is say I love you."

I smiled to myself. "You scared me Mikes." All of a sudden the room went black.

• • •

I opened my eyes and was somehow laying in my bed. I shot up and lunged for my phone. Dialing Patrick - who was obviously my first speed dial - I had a gut feeling that he had something to do with this. 

"Pete, I was asleep!"

"Oops, sorry Andy. I meant to call Patrick, my bad."

"Oh it's okay, you just scared me. Is everything okay?"

"No it's okay, just trying to see if he can bring me my wallet, I left it at his house." I felt bad lying to Andy, but I didn't want him to worry about my - well whatever that was with Mikey. I'm sure he would do the same.

"Oh okay, well goodnight then."

I hung up muttering a quick apology, and scrolling through my contacts, I made sure I clicked the right number.

Patrick picked up on the second ring like usual. "Pete, need me over?-" I nodded and somehow he understood "-I had a feeling, I'm on the way." He hung up, but I could already hear his keys jingle.

Walking to the kitchen, I replayed everything that happened with Mikey. What if it was just a dream? But what did it mean? I started the coffee pot as a way to try and distract myself from an endless spiral of frustration and confusion. 

By the time I'd gotten my cup of coffee, Patrick was knocking at the door. He'd been given a spare key months ago but he still deemed it rude to just barge in. Even after I tell him to come in, he insists on knocking. One time, I was sick, so I  just texted him to come in; that's his only exception apparently.

Patrick put his jacket on my couch and followed me into the kitchen. He was wearing jeans and a T shirt. It was obvious that he was dressed and ready to go before I even called him. Did that mean he knew about Mikey? No way that's coincidence! But could it be that I'm overreacting? Overthinking, replaying, exaggerating? 

Patrick pulled me into a hug and I melted. "Stop thinking so much Pete. It's not gonna help you."

I let out the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding and responded, "I know. But I can't help it. I'm doing better though I promise. I do have something to tell you."

Patrick let me go and made his cup of coffee as I recanted my encounters.

As I started to make our third cup, I finished my story with, "And here we are."

Patrick nodded and sat thoughtful for a moment. I handed him his coffee, and with a small thank you, he pulled out his phone. I sat down and payed attention to the steam coming from my mug. I'd given Patrick and coffee cup to keep at my house. It was none other than a "I ❤️ Bingo" mug, and Patrick hated it! But none the less used it every time. 

I myself was sporting a Fall Out Boy Fourth of July edition mug. Was it weird that I was a fan of my best friend's band? I mean so what if I'm in it too? He is still the frontman. 

Patrick looked up form his phone and I looked at him. 

"He's on the way." Patrick stifled a smile and sipped his coffee.

"Who?" I, myself, was not smiling. 

"Oh, a certain someone." Patrick looked off in a playful way and giggled. "Mikey, gosh. Calm down! You're looking at me all crooked." Patrick giggled again and I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Wait so you know about Mikey?"

Patrick took a sip off his coffee nodding. "I said it wasn't really a dream didn't I?"

I laughed. 

"Wow nice crowd."

We snickered for a second before there was a knock on the door. 

"I'll get that" Patrick got up and walked over to the door. I thought back to my conversation with Mikey. He said he liked two spoons of sugar and french vanilla creamer. One of a million things we had in common.

Assuming he was even more similar, I went ahead and made him a cup of coffee too.

"Pete, oh my god." Mikey walked over and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I giggled into his shoulder and he kissed the side of head. 

"I made you a  cup of coffee." I handed it over and Mikey took with appreciative hands. He quickly took a drink and closed his eyes.

"God thank you, I was hoping you'd remember how I liked it." 

I blushed, hiding myself in my own cup.

• • •

"We hung out for a few weeks, then our bands went on tour. We've been together ever since." Mikey finished for me. 

We told the entire story, eyes locked. We both looked down to see Bronx asleep between us. 

Mikey started to pick him and I kissed his shoulder, stopping him. Bronx was laying more in my lap so I could get him easier. 

I put him to bed and joined Mikey in our bedroom. I quickly get dressed and snuggle into his side on the bed. 

"How was the tour?" 

Mikey went on to tell me every detail about his tour. His voice was calming, it sounded like home, and love. It relaxed me enough by his immaculate ability to tell stories just right. 

I fell asleep listening to him finish his story and begin to tell me he loved me. I muttered a quick "Love you more" before completely losing consciousness.

A/N Hey so if you're a commoner on my page you would see that this was originally an actual story. But I have given up on finishing it and I was barely able to finish this as a one-shot so suck it up and enjoy this instead. Hopefully soon I'll actually do something with my other stories. If I don't just spam my page my insults and threats and I'll get stuff out for you useless hot dogs.

Loves you 😜✌️

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