"I guess so," I replied nonchalantly.

"Sorta," Brandon answered.

"What?" Jesse said, a little v formed in between his eyebrows. "We were all friends in high school."

"Jesse unless you count partying together, all four of us were never together," Pete pointed out the obvious.

"To be fair I only knew your names because of Brandon," I admitted awkwardly. 

"No fucking way Hailey, we were close when Badge wasn't around."

I almost forget that all his friends either call him Badge or Badger, not Brandon.

"No bro, Badge introduced you two," Pete told him and Brandon & I nodded in agreement.

"Shit... guess I forgot?" Jesse said and the waiter came and placed all our food in front of us. 

How could Jesse have forgotten that Brandon was the one that introduced us in high school, was he that fucked up?

"You good Hails?" Asked Brandon as he watched me process my thoughts, he could always read me so well - that or my expression is always written on my face. 

"Uhh yeah, Jesse I'm just kind of confused as to how you can't remember Brandon introducing us... were you that fucked up at the time?"

"At the time?" Pete snickered, Brandon smacked him in the chest. "Shut up man!"

I disregarded Pete's comment.

"I-I was just stoned, I guess," Jesse replied not making eye contact with me.

"I know this isn't the place to ask but haven't any of you stopped the drugs? I know we tried practically everything in high school but did any of you stop?" I asked them.

None of them spoke up but their silence filled in the blanks for me.

"I was on them for a bit , yeah, but I'm off them now. I just smoke." Jesse answered.

Pete and Brandon looked at Jesse oddly but didn't say a word. Obviously he was lying to me. 

"Yeah, Pete and I still do them sometimes," Brandon said honestly and I just nodded.

"So you don't do anything more then?" Pete asked me.

"Nope, I got into cigarettes again and that's about it."

"You were pretty into molly back then, you're completely off of it now?" Questioned Jesse.

I smirked, of all things he remembered it was me being a molly whore. "Yes Jesse, I don't take molly or coke, acid, shrooms fuck I rarely even smoke weed anymore."

"In other words, you're boring." Brandon teased.

I shot him the finger while smiling. "I'm clean okay, all those fucked me up for a bit. I can still party if I want to."

"Then maybe I should throw a party... so you can prove to all of us that you still can," Jesse said.

Pete nodded, loving the idea of partying. "Party sounds good to me."

"So you'd throw a party just for me?"

"Anything for you Hailey," Jesse replied.

He probably didn't mean it in that way but him saying that sparked a real liking to him... almost made me want him, which was odd to say the least.

"Let's do it this weekend then, I'm not working."

Pete and Brandon high fived each other. "Fuck yeah."

Jesse sent me a cute half-smile.

"Yo, I just have to ask whatever happened with you and that basketball dude?" Asked Pete.

"They broke up," Brandon said, answering for me.

"I know but I wanted to know the details, you know?"

"I mean, he went off to college and I stayed here. He was so into basketball I think he'd rather fuck the ball then myself." I replied laughing, the boys didn't laugh until I did... I guess they weren't sure if I was joking or not.

"Wasn't his name like Andre or something?" Jesse questioned.


"He was a douche that didn't know how to party," Brandon said, taking a bite out of his food.

I laughed - they weren't exactly wrong. "Honestly don't even know how we started dating in the first place, probably because he was 6'4."

"You know height isn't everything." Jesse chimed in.

"You're right, but size counts," I said winking at him and watching his cheeks flush red.

The 4 of us began laughing again, gaining stares from everyone around us.

"Hey I'm 6'4!" Brandon said after we finished laughing.

"I'm not bashing the height Brandon, I'm bashing other things."

"Don't even talk about height Badger, Hailey and I are the same height." Pete pointed out.

I had to hold in my laughter. "5'6 is a chill height, don't you think?" 

"Yeah for a girl," Jesse mumbled jokingly. 

"Shut up bro, how tall are you again?" Asked Pete.

"5'8 and a half," Jesse stated proudly. 

"Just had to get the half in there," Pete said, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

"Like Hailey said, size counts," Jesse said, staring at me with a grin on his face.

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