Can this be real

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"So first off this is the Sequel to "When It All Went Wrong" If you have not read it yet then you will not understand the Sequel...  So please go and read "When It All Went Wrong":

(Recap from the last chapter of "When It All Went Wrong")


She stood there and looked at me. She sighed. "You really don't remember me?" She asked. I shook my head. "No, I honestly don't." She took my hand and looked me straight in the eye. I looked at her sleeve. I could see all of the cuts. I pulled up her sleeve. "What happened?? Why'd you do this to yourself?" "Do you really want to know??" She asked. I shook my head yes. "I did this because you can't remember. I cry every day because you won't remember. I never eat because you wont remember. Me and my baby are dying because you won't remember. I have nothing to live for because you won't remember!! And its tearing me apart!! Everything we had!! Everything we did!! And you can't fucking remember!!!" She was crying hysterically. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "We were in love!! I still love you more than anything!! I can't stand it anymore!! I want to be dead knowing we'll never happen again and you can remember everyone besides me!! You always helped me with everything and now, you can't even try to remember everything we had together. I want you to hold me once more and tell me everything is okay, but I can't." "Kiss me." She looked surprised. "What??" "Kiss me." She was hesitant at first but she kissed me. We kissed for a while until she pulled back. 
Then it hit me. 
"I remember!!" I screamed. 
"OH... MY.... GOD!!"

(To the persent time)

Hannahs POV

What do you mean you Remember? (Hannah)

Hannah baby I remember everything, I remember you.... Hannah I love you.... (Robert )

Please tell me your being forreal right now and that your not just saying you remember.... (Hannah)

No baby girl I remember and I am so sorry that I couldnt remember you before... I am so sorry that you thought I had something with Sarah... I dont know why you were the only one that I didnt remember but baby from now on I will always be by your side no matter how hard things get... I am yours forever and I hope you will wanna be mine forever.... Cuz baby you are my world and I dont know what I would do with out you in my life.... So Hannah Constancio I know that I am just now remembering you after months of not being able to and I dont have your ring with me at this very moment but I do have one I cant believe you didnt find it when you were in my bedroom and yes I know you were staying at my house your brother told me but any way back to what I was saying.... Hannah Constancio will you Marry Me? (Robert)

I cant believe that Robert just asked me to marry him, I cant even talk right now all I can do is move my head to say Yes..... I cant believe that he remembered me thats so crazy for 4 months he had no clue who I was now I am going to Marry him.... Just because of one kiss.

Roberts POV

So if anyone found out what really happend they would never talk to me again and it would 100% kill Hannah to find out the truth....... 

I have known who everyone was these past 4 months even Hannah, I lied to everyone about not knowing who she was.... I talked to the dr's before anyone knoew I was awake and told him I wanted him to tell everyone that I needed to remember on my own, The dr knew the truth and he went along with it.... I know that it was wrong and that it hurt Hannah really bad but I needed her to see what it is gonna be like when I have to leave.... Before everything happend I got a call from some people that wanted me to come and Rap for them because they heard me and thought I was good, But the only bad thing is that to do this I have to go to California for 5 months and I cant take Hannah with me.... The only person who knows about me going out there to Rap is Austin and I had to beg him not to tell... And I know you are thinking that I tried to kill myself so I could stay in town longer no thats not at all what Happend. I really wanted to die when Hannah said she didnt wanna be with me.... I quit Football because I was leaving I just couldnt tell Hannah that I was ganna be gone for 5 months maybe even longer.... So as long as I couldnt remember things from my past I had to stay here till I could remember but I couldnt hold it in anymore when she told me everything she was going thru I couldnt watch her kill herself and an unborn child... But I know that if she knows who she is that it wont be as hard for her any more its not like I leave tonight I leave next week and the guys told me I could come down on the weekends and stay and I could have a week off once a month..... But I am so happy that Hannah said yes and in some ways happy that she didnt find the ring I picked it out last year before we even started dating I knew one day I was going to make her mine and we would get married.... 

A/N: Ok so if you read the first book you know there are 2 writers and that we both write a little different.... We also put our names at the bottom... I really hoped you liked this chapter please leave comments and tell us what you think and dont forget to Vote..... 

Happy Readings 


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