Coming Clean - Will It Make Or Break Us!!!!

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Roberts POV

I walked into a bedroom, Not sure at all how I am going to tell her the Truth... I am scared to lose her I fought for so long to get to this place I am with her and now I have to tell her I have been lying to her for months..... She looks so happy and I am going to break her all over again..... 

Hey!!!! Robert

Hey babe is everything ok you look like saw a ghost or something? (Hannah)

Hannah, love, I need to tell you some things and I am not really sure how you are going to take the news.... (Robert )

Your really scaring me Robert are you breaking up with me? Did I do something wrong? What ever I did I can fix it.... (Hannah)

Baby its not anything you did wrong and I am not breaking up with you... I am the one that did something wrong and It hurt someone that means the world to me..... (Robert)

Robert please just tell me what you are going to say.... (Hannah)

Ok, Hannah I lied to you, to everyone, and the Dr helped me lie.... I didnt forget you, I knew who you were as soon as I saw you.... I didnt stop playing football so I could spend all my time with you... Now dont get me wrong I would love to spend every second of every day with you but it cant happen.... (Robert)

I saw the tears running down her pretty face and I didnt know if I could tell her I was leaving....

Why cant it Robert? Is there someone else? you know what take this ring and push it up your ass Cuz I am done you lied to me I almost died because I couldnt live with out you and I thought you didnt know who I was and now you tell me you knew the whole time... What made you tell the truth now Huh Robert?? did you think that I was just going to forgive you because you asked me to marry you?? Ha well you thought wrong WE ARE DONE... And I will find somewhere else to stay so I dont ever have to see you again.... (Hannah)

You dont have to leave because I am if you would have let me say everything I had to say maybe we wouldnt be fighting right now... But you know what you wanna be done fine, it will make it easier for me to get on that plane and leave... Yeah I am leaving for 5 months Hannah, but you know what? if you dont wanna be with me then maybe I just wont come back home. I will stay out there... I lied because I could stay as long as I didnt remember someone that ment so much to me from my past. the Dr said I couldnt leave... I dont wanna leave Hannah, I wanna be here for you... I told the truth because I couldn't watch you kill yourself Hannah you are my whole world! I wouldnt have kept the truth from you but I was told that you couldnt come out with me... I was scared to tell you because I didnt wanna hurt you... (Robert)

Yeah right Robert all you ever do is hurt me and if you really wanted to take me with you then you could have tried harder but you didn't! you just let them walk all over you and your stupid for it... I am so sick of the lying becuase I already knew about you leaving I found the paper work on your desk... I was happy for you when I found out! I wanted to ask you about it so bad but Drew told me you would tell me when you were ready to tell me. I knew I couldnt go with you... And if you really wanna stay out there go ahead! maybe I should call them up and tell them how much you lie... How about that Robert?? huh?? or maybe you should tell them the truth... You cant go your whole life lying to people and think that its ok!! And I really dont think there is any going back this time.I  let you break my heart too many times since we started dating and I cant take it anymore... Do you think that all this shit is good for the baby?!? No its not.... You didnt wanna see me kill myself yet you are slowy killing me!! I cant take much more I am ready to break... You might as well pick up that knife over the and stab me in the heart! Oh wait I dont have one anymore... Its too broken it can never be fixed because the one that broke it is the only person who could ever fix it... I really hope your happy.... All I ever did was love you, and I thought you loved me back. I guess that was a lie too. (Hannah)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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